The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, March 4, 2013

Rookie Move Maybe

I figure I need to let Nathaniel explore his artistic side some more. I bought him a set of dry erase markers thinking, 'How Fun'. It started out with him just moving the markers around the house. It was fun to roll them on the floor. It was fun to hand them to Mocha (and fun to watch mom chase Mocha to get the marker back). Then it became fun to take the lids off and set them on the ground. Then it was fun to try and put the lids back on (50/50 chance of getting it in the right side of the cap). AND finally it was fun to actually draw on the dry erase board. When I say draw it is basically some lines and dots - but hey everyone needs to start somewhere.
This all sounds good. Sounds like fun. Well, putting the caps on the markers has been quite interesting. His hands, face, shirt, my hands, probably Mocha's face, all have marker on them. I may have given him markers a bit too early. One thing I noticed is that he is using them more than the crayons. I wonder if it is because they show up brighter and are easy to use. Sometimes it is hard to see results if you use light pressure with the crayons.
That being said, I might put the markers away for a bit :( I will bring them out sometimes since they do seem pretty washable actually. It came right off his white shirt. Not to let the dry erase board go to waste I did go grab some dry erase crayons and I hope he will like those. I should note that his favorite thing to do with crayons is to take them out and put them back in the box. Future engineer maybe ;) I bought some Melissa and Doug brand crayons that are triangular and supposedly stronger. Those do seem to be outlasting the large Crayola crayons. Actually, when we were at the toy store they have a table of paper and crayons. Instead of sitting there to draw he grabbed 2 handfuls of crayons and ran around the store... Future hoarder maybe!

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