The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Moose Munch

Who hasn't had moose munch? It is tasty (and probably overpriced), but tasty.  This is a new nickname I like to call Nathaniel.  Seems silly.  He doesn't look like a moose.. we don't have any moose nearby... we don't actually have any moose munch to eat so it isn't his favorite snack or anything.. so why the nickname? 

Well, it seems that half his wardrobe has a moose on it.  I don't know how it happened.  Winter = moose (is meese the plural of moose because moose's sounds funny) ... anyway.  I can't resist a cute moose shirt or pajamas.  There was a pajama set that had moose's on it.  I started tickling him when he was wearing his green moose pj set and saying ' how is my little moose munch, moosey munch, moooose muuuunch' he was giggling.  Then every time he was wearing a moose I'd say 'aaahhh you are my little moose munch again today'.  Well, I was saying it more than I thought I would.  Seriously half his wardrobe has moose on it.  Can you imagine if I wore moose shirts half the time... haha.  I guess Kevin wears ASU shirts at least half the time (probably 90% of the time).  I'm not sure how it happened, but MOOSE was the theme of the winter.  So worth it though, meese/moose's are cute. 

Everyone thinks that shopping for boys clothes is so boring compared to girls, but it still can be fun.  The girls section is always about 3 times as large making it innately more fun.  It is possible that the lack of variety in the boys section has me buying so many moose shirts.  Every once in awhile I glance over at the girls section.  Lately I have noticed the cutest nautical summer dresses and I think to myself... maybe I'll try one on Nate because they are so darn cute, but luckily for him (and Kevin) there is a lot of cute nautical boys wear too ;) (he has been called a girl on several different occasions so he could probably pull off a dress... it is that blonde hair)  As spring peeked around the corner the other day I started to think about how Nate doesn't have any summer clothes.  With every season comes a new wardrobe for the little guy.  He has zero shorts or tshirts that fit him from last summer.  This is when I try and take advantage of coupons and sales and buy some shorts here and there preparing for summer.  When winter hit I didn't have a jacket or long sleeve shirts for him for weeks.  Poor kid froze in tshirts and no jacket. 

As I started to look around at summer stuff I haven't seen many moose shirts.  Could it be the end of 'Moose Munch'  Say it isn't so, so sad. 

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