The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stick to the Routine

My dad's side of the family has some German ancestry, thus I am a portion German.  I guess the part of me that likes soft pretzels is the German ;) Actually, I must be attracted to all things German.  I love weimaraners (from the German city of Weimar), German Shorthaired Pointers and Kevin who is 100% German.  This means Nathaniel is over 50% German. 

I'm literally surrounded by Germans.  (My little bit of Jewish blood from my Mom's side must be a little uneasy by that) The most fun thing about being surrounded by Germans is that they have a very special trait.  What is this trait you ask?  The love of routines.  Boy o boy do they love routines.  I'm used to Kevin's little quirks that involve our daily life.  I'm used to Kona sticking to what she knows.  6am wake up and eat, only drink freshly poured water, back to bed, etc. etc.  I can read that dog like a book she is so predictable!  She becomes anxious if things don't happen in a certain order.  All I have to do is put my phone in my baby bag and Mocha is headed to his kennel.  He knows the drill.  If I put my phone in my bag and don't go anywhere he sits in his kennel confused for a few minutes... he is like 'uh what's happening, leave why don't you'

So I shouldn't be surprised that the newest German in the family really enjoys a routine.  Once the weather became nice every day we have been consistently taking a nightly stroller walk.  Now, all 3 of our kids are whining around 6:30 to get out.  Nathaniel grabs the dog harnesses and then the dogs go crazy and everyone is losing it until we go.  Unfortunately, Nate can't tell time so he grabs the harnesses a little early sometimes.  Then if you say 'no in a bit' he whines, the dogs whine... it is a madhouse.  No one can compute not going now, it is part of the daily routine.  I swear if you do something 3 times in a row at our house it is expected every day.  It becomes the norm and you can't sway from the routine....the Germans cannot compute a change in routine.

I will say that Nathaniel's predictability and love of routines as a baby/toddler has made him 'I think' an easy baby.  So I guess I can't deny my love of Germany... Oktoberfest, Albert Einstein, Bach, Beethoven, Heidi Klum.. that Dirk guy on the Dallas Mavericks  who is friends with Steve Nash... what is there not to love (except sausages yucko)?

Legal Disclaimer: I don't really know if this is actually a German trait, but I'm 4 for 4 so far so it's looking pretty statitically significant :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sing, Sing a Song

Sing out loud... sing out strong. I don't remember any more of the words :)
Nathaniel has been singing along with several songs. He is especially sing songy right after bath time before bed. Granted you can't understand most of what he is saying, but he has the rhythm and tune down. He gets super excited when the song is over and claps for himself. I tell him he gets a penalty for 'excessive celebration' ;-) he doesn't seem to care. He actually sang through the ABC song in library class. Not only had he not done that before at home, but he also doesn't say anything in library class EVER so I was doubly shocked. Of course he immediately caught himself and sat back down on my lap.
Side Note: Over the last few days Nate has been having intense conversations with the dogs. He mostly talks to Kona, but Mocha has had a few conversations too. Kona sits still longer so I think that is why. Nate goes up to within a few inches of their face, stares at them pretty intently and rattles off some pretty long sentences. I have no idea what he is telling them, but it is something important. Kona kind of glances over at me as if to say, 'Huh?'. Or maybe he said something interesting about something and Kona was looking for confirmation ;) I keep trying to get it on film, but haven't been successful yet. I throw Nate off when I hold the phone up and he stops talking.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Genetic Traits

It is so funny that when a baby is born everyone quickly assesses who he/she resembles the most - mom or dad. From my experience and observing those around me it always seems like whoever's family is doing the assessing picks their own side. Of course everyone wants to claim the genetics of the super cute baby, who wouldn't. The baby is gosh darn adorable. I say all this without scientific proof of course. I don't really know if everyone everywhere picks their own family, but it sounds about right.
Now over time the baby becomes more little person looking so some of the traits are really noticeable. It is so fun to watch (in my case) the little baby face transform into a little boy face. I say all this because as I was cutting Nathaniel's fingernails the other day it has become apparent he has my (and my dad's) fingernails. Especially the pointer finger nail. So now I can brag about him getting my genetics in his fingernails. WAIT, STOP... that is so lame.
At least once a week or more someone gushes over Nathaniel's beautiful blue eyes. If you have seen Nate you know his eyes are exactly like Kevin's. The shape, the color, everything. So Kevin gets to lay claim to that while I get lame fingernails. What is the fairness in that?!? I'm on the hunt now for other definitive features that I can truly lay claim to :) Some features are too hard to tell or inconclusive at this point.
On a side note Kevin thinks Nate has his calm demeanor. I replied with 'he could have gotten that from me too'. That was quickly followed by Kevin saying 'Nah you are high strung' .... hhhmm ... as I write this and Kevin is asleep I may just poor water on his head as payback (good plan?)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Peek a Boo 2.0

Nathaniel is officially *hiding* for fun. For a while he has kind of hid behind the couch and I'd tease that he was hiding.... he would laugh and then move on to something else. Well, the other day at Steinmart we were goofing around the clothing racks and he backed up in between two racks of shirts. I was walking by and he jumped out at me and then giggled hysterically. He meant to wait and jump out. He hadn't ever done that except by accident.
To test it out I've asked a couple times to go hide at home. He runs off and goes behind something. Now granted he isn't the world's best hiding spot picker outer yet, but it is a fun new game. His ability to stay in one spot for longer than 5 seconds is also a hard part of this new game. He starts peering out from wherever he is as you get close. Once you make eye contact he gets a huge smile and then runs off super speed.
Nate Note: We went to a toddler gymnastics class today at Let it Shine Gymnastics. It is a real gymnastics facility, but they of course gear the class to 12-24 month olds. We rolled down triangle shape mats. We jumped on trampolines. Big trampolines, which was actually way more fun for me than him. He could swing on a rope into a pit of sponges. He could bounce in a bounce house. And of course we did stretches. I thought he would love it because it was such an active activity versus story time type classes. Bbbuuuuttt, he mostly clung on to me. It was the first time we went there so he didn't know the teachers or other little people. I'm trying to decide if I want to actually do the class or not..... hhhhmmm.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Mother's Day

My second Mother's Day has come and gone.  I'm still super duper thankful I became a mom.  It really is cool.  It's cooler than I even imagined on my best pregnant days.  Yes, I have been forced to become a morning person (while still being a night person so I'm tired).  It is unfortunate I'm tired because Nathaniel has always been a good sleeper, it is my own fault.  Yes, I feel like I've washed one million sippy cups.  Yes, everything I do takes longer (except showers of course those I rush through at a world record pace).  Yes, watching someone eat (pickily) 3 times a day is not exactly FUN.  Yes, diapers are gross (but not really that gross honestly).  Yes, leisurely shopping is a thing of the past.  Yes, we eat dinner at restaurants at 5:00 to beat the crowds.  Yes, reading the same story 10 times a day isn't exactly building my literary genius.  Yes, being around boogery kids at a library story time isn't exactly a germophobe's dream day.  Yes, acting excited about rocks for the umpteenth time in one afternoon isn't exactly curing cancer. 
But No, I can't think of my life any other way... or better in any other way (the hugs, the kisses, the adorable laugh, the speed running, the hand holding, etc etc etc).  (I take that back winning the lottery this weekend - its at $600M - might be nice) ;)  Ok ok, I take that back... having Nate is like winning the lottery.  It really is - Thank you Nathaniel for making me a mom.  
On Mother's Day I decided I wanted to take Nathaniel out for his first ice cream.  He doesn't get much sugar.  Mean mom I know.  Here is us eating our ice cream.  Guess what... he didn't really like it.  I think because it was soooo cold.  It was cake batter ice cream.  I even gave him a taste of brownie batter.  Both were duds.  Kevin declared that he must not be his kid.  I told my mom that and she said he couldn't be her grandchild.  Sweet toothes do run rampant in both our families.  I take after my dad though and don't really have much of a sweet tooth (maybe he is like Grandpa Davis).  Time will tell though, we'll see if his anti-sweet tooth lasts.... my guess is no.
Happy (late) Mother's Day.  I love you mom! Thanks for doing all of the above for and with me. Miss You.

Waving Hi

Nathaniel is once again waving HI to random people in stores etc. This is a good sign that he is breaking out of his super shy stage. Now, before I speak too fast, if someone actually waves back or smiles at him... he freezes. I think he thinks if he doesn't move a muscle they won't see him anymore. It is his toddler cloaking system. After a bit of time he will slightly look back at them and if they are still looking at him he freezes again, if not, he waves. I guess you might say he is secretly outgoing haha. I'll take it. 

He is interacting more in his music class as well. He still pretty much just sits on my lap and watches, but the clinging has disappeared YaY. We always sing a 'Hello' song at the start of class where you introduce yourself and your child and a fun thing all the kids can do... like waving, clapping, twirling etc. This wed. was the first time Nathaniel actually did his intro move. I said, Hi I'm Stacy and this is Nathaniel and we will pat our bellies. He actually stood up and patted his belly with the other kids. Woo Hoo. He must really like to pat his belly!

Ok, back to the waving. What do you do when a little kid waves to you in a store? Do you wave back, smile or just pass by?? It is very interesting to watch the different reactions by people. I've always waved even before I had a kid. It takes 5 seconds. I'm always surprised how many people just ignore him and I'm pretty sure they saw him. Not that I really care, he won't remember, I just find it curious. I bet only 20% of the people smile or wave... if that many. It is a lower percentage than I thought it would be? Now I'm not expecting people to go overboard and gush or talk to him or waste really any time, I'm talking just a simple wave as they go along their way. The older woman % is quite higher :) shocking huh? Not really. The male % is almost zero. C'mon I know there are dads out there who enjoy a cute toddler as much as the next person.  Are people really so rushed and distracted that they can't manage a tiny hello to a tiny person?!? I guarantee whatever they are doing isn't that important.  Maybe this is a bigger problem in society in general :(

So if you are a non-waver... wave gosh darn it.  You may just be helping a little guy come out of his shell.  Regardless, I'm just happy he is trying to socialize with strangers again, unless it is creepy strangers ... no creepy strangers ;)  

Thursday, May 9, 2013

If Time Could Stop

Every once in awhile you have those moments where you wish time could just stop until you are ready for it to begin again. Today I had one of those moments. When Nathaniel was just a baby and still nursing he used to fall asleep on me all the time. I loved looking down at his sweet face while he slept. Most of the time I was never in a rush to do anything since he was the only child. I could just sit there and watch some DVRd show while he slept. I knew that was precious time and cuddling him that way wouldn't last forever.
Once he started crawling, then walking and eating all kinds of other stuff he had no interest in relaxing. That boy is on the move constantly. He doesn't ever just fall asleep and cuddle on the couch or anything.
Today he was a little more cuddly on the couch. He kept crawling on me and playing tackle then running off, then coming back... but at one point he crawled up on me and just laid there. I thought it would last 20 seconds... but then I heard a little snore. He was asleep laying on top of me. I was so happy. I laid there and held him wishing I could get that every day. Just feeling his breath and holding his little hand. It was almost his naptime so I knew I needed to move him to his crib for a real nap... but I definitly took my time getting him there.
Maybe it was his early Mother's day gift for me :)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

"Yay Company"

Well, I think that is what Nathaniel is thinking anyway. Grandma and Gramdpa Hahm visited over the weekend and Nathaniel had so much fun. I was basically chopped liver. Nathaniel was so happy to have someone other than me around :) As usual he warmed up very quick to Grandma Hahm. We have a photo album of our relatives that we show him hoping he recognizes people over time. Well, he got very excited when he looked at the picture and then pointed to them for real in person. I think something clicked, the photo album is making sense in his mind now. It was very cute.   

Time always zips by when company is here. We were able to eat at the Aquarium restaurant in the Opryland Mills mall and show Nathaniel all the fish. Nathaniel got to play Bocce ball with Grandma Hahm after eating at Bosco's (our weekend usual). And we even got to visit the historic Carter house. Something I learned .... a 19 month old is hard to control during a guided tour in a historic building. He didn't quite understand why he couldn't touch all of the stuff. Needless to say I went outside with Nate for most of the tour (it was a super nice day though and there were a ton of squirrels so I may have gotten the better tour). Here is Kevin and Nate in front of one of the buildings - those are actual civil war bullet holes.

Nathaniel's favorite word to say to our visitors was 'Uh Oh'... he said it a lot. Kevin and I went out to grab sushi since we had a babysitter and apparently he said 'Uh Oh' just laying in his crib instead of sleeping... crazy little guy. I guess he likes the sound of those words.

He always loves all the attention he gets while they are here. Today they headed to Wisconsin and I'm pretty sure he was wondering what happened to all the fun. I could see the 'oh man just mom again' in his facial expressions :) Until next time...

Side Note: Here is a little preview of the pictures we had taken (the resolution will be better once we get the actual files.  These were just screen shots).  I'll put a few more up once I get them all. They turned out ok. I wish there were more of me and Nate, but owell. It kind of looks like Kevin is a single dad. There are a ton of cute ones of them two.  I didn't really think about more of just me and him while we were taking the pics.  There are a few family ones that are ok :)  It never fails that if I look good, kevin or Nate look wierd vice versa vice versa.  Although any shots of Nate not just running around like a little crazy person were probably a win that day! 


Thursday, May 2, 2013

52 Card Pick Up

I'm pretty sure I'm playing some variation of the 52 card pick up game constantly throughout the day. One of Nathaniel's favorite things to do is dump things on the floor and then leave. Blocks, stacking sets, flash cards, crayons, magnetic letters. There are piles of these things everywhere. It isn't that he doesn't know how to put them away either. He likes to put a bunch back in the bins and then dump them back out. It must be super fun to hear the sound or feel them fall all over your lap.
I can ask him to help ' put them away ' and he will put some away, but completely loses interest and is on to the next thing pretty quickly. That leaves me to pick up the rest. It's pointless to enforce it I figure because I'm not sure he gets that it is a bad thing to dump everything out. He has so much fun doing it that I think he thinks he is doing me a favor by allowing me to play too ;)
If you'd like to join in on the fun... feel free to find a few bowls in your cupboard and place them on the ground and then go get your sock bin and dump it (add giving a few pairs to the dog to run off with if you have a dog), maybe say the #s on the cards as you throw them down.... then run off laughing and smiling to the next activity... Ahhhh good times.