The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

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Friday, May 17, 2013

Waving Hi

Nathaniel is once again waving HI to random people in stores etc. This is a good sign that he is breaking out of his super shy stage. Now, before I speak too fast, if someone actually waves back or smiles at him... he freezes. I think he thinks if he doesn't move a muscle they won't see him anymore. It is his toddler cloaking system. After a bit of time he will slightly look back at them and if they are still looking at him he freezes again, if not, he waves. I guess you might say he is secretly outgoing haha. I'll take it. 

He is interacting more in his music class as well. He still pretty much just sits on my lap and watches, but the clinging has disappeared YaY. We always sing a 'Hello' song at the start of class where you introduce yourself and your child and a fun thing all the kids can do... like waving, clapping, twirling etc. This wed. was the first time Nathaniel actually did his intro move. I said, Hi I'm Stacy and this is Nathaniel and we will pat our bellies. He actually stood up and patted his belly with the other kids. Woo Hoo. He must really like to pat his belly!

Ok, back to the waving. What do you do when a little kid waves to you in a store? Do you wave back, smile or just pass by?? It is very interesting to watch the different reactions by people. I've always waved even before I had a kid. It takes 5 seconds. I'm always surprised how many people just ignore him and I'm pretty sure they saw him. Not that I really care, he won't remember, I just find it curious. I bet only 20% of the people smile or wave... if that many. It is a lower percentage than I thought it would be? Now I'm not expecting people to go overboard and gush or talk to him or waste really any time, I'm talking just a simple wave as they go along their way. The older woman % is quite higher :) shocking huh? Not really. The male % is almost zero. C'mon I know there are dads out there who enjoy a cute toddler as much as the next person.  Are people really so rushed and distracted that they can't manage a tiny hello to a tiny person?!? I guarantee whatever they are doing isn't that important.  Maybe this is a bigger problem in society in general :(

So if you are a non-waver... wave gosh darn it.  You may just be helping a little guy come out of his shell.  Regardless, I'm just happy he is trying to socialize with strangers again, unless it is creepy strangers ... no creepy strangers ;)  

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