The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stick to the Routine

My dad's side of the family has some German ancestry, thus I am a portion German.  I guess the part of me that likes soft pretzels is the German ;) Actually, I must be attracted to all things German.  I love weimaraners (from the German city of Weimar), German Shorthaired Pointers and Kevin who is 100% German.  This means Nathaniel is over 50% German. 

I'm literally surrounded by Germans.  (My little bit of Jewish blood from my Mom's side must be a little uneasy by that) The most fun thing about being surrounded by Germans is that they have a very special trait.  What is this trait you ask?  The love of routines.  Boy o boy do they love routines.  I'm used to Kevin's little quirks that involve our daily life.  I'm used to Kona sticking to what she knows.  6am wake up and eat, only drink freshly poured water, back to bed, etc. etc.  I can read that dog like a book she is so predictable!  She becomes anxious if things don't happen in a certain order.  All I have to do is put my phone in my baby bag and Mocha is headed to his kennel.  He knows the drill.  If I put my phone in my bag and don't go anywhere he sits in his kennel confused for a few minutes... he is like 'uh what's happening, leave why don't you'

So I shouldn't be surprised that the newest German in the family really enjoys a routine.  Once the weather became nice every day we have been consistently taking a nightly stroller walk.  Now, all 3 of our kids are whining around 6:30 to get out.  Nathaniel grabs the dog harnesses and then the dogs go crazy and everyone is losing it until we go.  Unfortunately, Nate can't tell time so he grabs the harnesses a little early sometimes.  Then if you say 'no in a bit' he whines, the dogs whine... it is a madhouse.  No one can compute not going now, it is part of the daily routine.  I swear if you do something 3 times in a row at our house it is expected every day.  It becomes the norm and you can't sway from the routine....the Germans cannot compute a change in routine.

I will say that Nathaniel's predictability and love of routines as a baby/toddler has made him 'I think' an easy baby.  So I guess I can't deny my love of Germany... Oktoberfest, Albert Einstein, Bach, Beethoven, Heidi Klum.. that Dirk guy on the Dallas Mavericks  who is friends with Steve Nash... what is there not to love (except sausages yucko)?

Legal Disclaimer: I don't really know if this is actually a German trait, but I'm 4 for 4 so far so it's looking pretty statitically significant :)

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