The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, May 24, 2013

Genetic Traits

It is so funny that when a baby is born everyone quickly assesses who he/she resembles the most - mom or dad. From my experience and observing those around me it always seems like whoever's family is doing the assessing picks their own side. Of course everyone wants to claim the genetics of the super cute baby, who wouldn't. The baby is gosh darn adorable. I say all this without scientific proof of course. I don't really know if everyone everywhere picks their own family, but it sounds about right.
Now over time the baby becomes more little person looking so some of the traits are really noticeable. It is so fun to watch (in my case) the little baby face transform into a little boy face. I say all this because as I was cutting Nathaniel's fingernails the other day it has become apparent he has my (and my dad's) fingernails. Especially the pointer finger nail. So now I can brag about him getting my genetics in his fingernails. WAIT, STOP... that is so lame.
At least once a week or more someone gushes over Nathaniel's beautiful blue eyes. If you have seen Nate you know his eyes are exactly like Kevin's. The shape, the color, everything. So Kevin gets to lay claim to that while I get lame fingernails. What is the fairness in that?!? I'm on the hunt now for other definitive features that I can truly lay claim to :) Some features are too hard to tell or inconclusive at this point.
On a side note Kevin thinks Nate has his calm demeanor. I replied with 'he could have gotten that from me too'. That was quickly followed by Kevin saying 'Nah you are high strung' .... hhhmm ... as I write this and Kevin is asleep I may just poor water on his head as payback (good plan?)

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