The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, November 22, 2013

A Case of the Repeats

I don't remember when it started.  A month ago, 2 months ago, 2 weeks ago… but Nathaniel will take something you just said and repeat it about 20 times.  It is especially funny when it is 'Daddy go pee pee' in the middle of a restaurant.  You just never know which phrase he is going to latch onto and repeat.  I went to get cough drops the other day and I heard 'Mommy get cough drops to stop coughing' in every aisle of CVS.  Or it could be reminding Mocha that he has been bad 'Mocha chewed red seven' (yep our UNO cards are missing a seven now).  

You really start to watch what you are saying just in case it is the phrase that he repeats.  haha.  I wonder why he does this?  He is stringing together more and more words to make sentences.  Maybe by repeating what we say it helps him learn how sentences work.  Sometimes he repeats stuff until you repeat it back correctly.  But that is a different case of the repeats.  You can tell because once you repeat it right he stops.  He doesn't stop if he is just repeating what you said. 

The best repeat so far has been when I saw some fur on a pair of boots.  I said fur is gross.  We were in Target.  He repeated 'Fur is gross' over and over again.  He was like my own personal animal advocate :)  It was Target and not real fur, but I'll take it.  

Now I'm going to start putting this super power to good use.  I'm going to start saying things like 'Mommy is really cool' or 'Daddy is a big nerd' or 'Mommy just stole a million dollars' and see if anyone is listening!

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