The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween 2013

It was hard picking out a Halloween outfit this year.  Last year we just picked out something cute and he wore it.  This year he is slightly more opinionated.  Not so much about what he wants to wear, but what he won't wear.  He isn't sure what Halloween or a costume is so he obviously didn't tell us what he'd like to wear.  But, we do know he doesn't like to wear hats or things on his face so this limits costume choices A LOT.  We walked down a few costume aisles, but he mostly wanted to play with the Christmas lights and pumpkins.  Pretty much zero interest in costumes.  And yes I said Christmas lights.  I can't believe while I was getting Halloween candy I could see Christmas displays for sale.  Crazy how early things come nowadays.  Actually, we went to look at discounted Halloween stuff on Nov 1st at Target and there was Christmas music playing - I couldn't believe it - it was a little weird.  

Ok, so I digressed... back on topic.  Kevin and I tried to think of some costumes, but didn't really have any interesting or exciting ideas.  I think my top three ended up being, Captain Kirk, a lego and a golfer.  I found a cute golfer hat and so we just went with that.  I know I know I said he won't wear things on his head so why in the heck did I pick golfer based on a HAT.  I guess I'm crazy.

I couldn't find any knickers or plaid pants that matched the hat or the sweater vest I already had.  I decided I'd try my hand at making a pair of pants.  I have never made a pair of pants.  I figured plan B could always be he wears his Halloween themed shirt if the pants were ridiculous.  I couldn't make it easy so I decided to make the pants a patchwork type pant.  This meant sewing 72 squares together to make the material for the pants.  It was quicker than I thought.  Plus, I took a ton of shortcuts.  In the end they actually looked like pants and fit him.  Woo Hoo.  

I hope you enjoy the Tiny Cheesy golfer.  And NO the hat did not stay on very long, but it was sure cute when it was.  

Hat coming off :)

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