The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Pee Pee in the Froggy Potty

Yep, that is what happened today (and what Nathaniel calls it).  I like to keep this blog to record milestones and this seems like a good one to put in the archives.  We bought 2 potty books, a little frog potty and talk about it here and there to get him used to the idea.  He has sat on the kid potty fully clothed and says pee pee, but that has been it.  I just wanted him to be familiar with things.  Well today after listening to a potty book and then watching Kevin demonstrate (advice everyone seems to believe in) he just did it.  Now, who knows if this is a fluke day or if this is the start of potty training.  

I'm definitely not ready, but maybe he is...  I mean I don't want to miss the rumored *window*  The rumor is there is some small window of time where they are more open to potty training and if you miss this glorious window you are doomed and Nate won't be potty trained until he is 15 or something.  Yikes.    And I need to get reward charts and gifts and cheerios for him to aim at and bells and whistles and a marching band on deck for when he goes pee pee.  Maybe I'll even make a shirt for myself that says 'Ask me what my son did today' (you know for encouragement and stuff) ;)

stay tuned.... 

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