The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Potty Training - Week 2

Week 2 is/was a roller coaster ride.  The week started out horrible.  I was losing confidence quickly.  Maybe he just isn't ready?  I was in a pretty negative mood in general because I have this little cold and I think it fueled my doubts.  He just didn't seem interested in it anymore.  He was making a few mistakes and generally just was cranky when I'd ask him if he had to go.  The inconsistency was getting to me.

Then at night after he went to bed I'd sit back and think about it and realize he really didn't do that bad at all, all day.  I was definitely being too hard on him (and prob myself).  

I decided to take a day off of potty training and reenergize the whole process.  We went on a half day outlet mall trip with a friend.  I used a pull-up and decided not to stress about it.  I was considering it a day off from potty training and whatever happened, happened.  Starting the next day I'd use candy as a reward instead of a sticker and try to be as positive as possible again.

Well, funny thing happened at the mall.  He was perfect all day.  I just stopped at each bathroom and gave him a chance to try.  He went!  Even on the big potty.  I could tell he was holding it at times because there was so much (I know TMI), but this was such great news.

He has had several GREAT days now.  He likes the candy incentive too (Reese's pieces).  Also, I say 'keep your pants dry' or 'let's do a dry pants check' and he takes to that a little better.  I think the biggest thing I've learned is that 'you know when you know'.  Meaning I haven't been stressing out about it, I haven't had to remind him 1000 times, something is clicking and working.  Woo Hoo.  

Now, he has been fickle about the big potty.  Sometimes he will use one when we are out (I have a little fold out thing that goes over it), but sometimes he won't at all.  Not sure why this is happening yet.  One of our next things will be to make him feel comfortable somehow using the bigger toilet.  The good news though is even if he doesn't use the big potty he uses his froggy potty that I bring along in the car.  It works and keeps his streak of no mistakes alive :)

I'm sure week 3 he will regress or something and some new problem will surface.  But, I'm in a much better place than I was at the beginning of the week.  The little dude just may have it!  I always tell him 'Mommy is so proud of you', he repeats it, I repeat it.  I really mean it, I'm proud of that little sucker.  

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