The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mr. Confident

The little guy is starting to get a lot more gutsy.  He is still quite shy in groups, but he has really been coming out of his shell.  Usually in music and library class the kids go up and grab an instrument to play.  Nathaniel always grabs my hand and I go with him.  WELL, just recently he has been putting the instruments back all by himself.  This is huge for him.  He always runs back to me all proud.  Getting the instruments is still 50/50.  The other kids kind of cut in front of him and bump him and he isn't quite confident enough just to go for it.  He does though sometimes and that is a start.  

Also, in the library, stores, etc. he is exploring a little farther away from me.  This is both good and bad.  It's good that he is exploring, but now I have to watch him a little more haha.  Sometimes independence is a double edge sword.  

I don't mean to make him sound too shy.  He tends to be more shy when there is a lot of commotion and people.  He really warms up quickly to people once he knows them for a bit.  He likes to give out hugs and leaves, rocks, sticks... anything he can find laying around.  Once he warms up to people suddenly I'm pretty much ignored.  I don't get rocks or sticks unless I'm alone with him... :)

Mr. Confident or Mr. Independent is coming into his own.  I wonder to myself why was I ever worried he'd be too shy.... I think it is so easy to worry about things and wonder if you aren't doing enough.  Is he around enough people, am I exposing him to enough external stimuli, am I teaching him enough, talking to him enough, yada yada yada.  It seems sort of ridiculous sometimes since he is 2.  So far by giving him some space and time, he finds his way without me doing anything really.  

I must admit listening to him sing the songs he learns in class is so fun.  He is really enjoying music right now.  I'm not sure the people around me in the grocery store appreciate hearing 'Sho fly don't follow me' 20 times, but I've decided not to care haha.  I let Mr. Confident sing his heart out :) we do live in Music city after all!

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