The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Emotionless is Key

One thing I have learned about recovering from abdominal surgery is that you should stay emotionless if you want to heal. I first noticed this when my sister was here. We could not watch any comedy shows or bring up anything funny (which can be hard for us). Laughing feels like my stitches are tearing. It is amazing that something that feels so good to do can feel a little like torture. I was again reminded of this yesterday when me and Kevin were looking at some pictures we took of Nate. Some were so goofy that it was impossible not to laugh. I had to have Kevin leave the room and I shut down the computer because I just couldn't stop laughing and I knew I'd pay for it later. Later on that night, we were watching the TV show called 'The Middle' and I had to turn away as well. Man o man is it hard not laughing. Coughing and sneezing is no pleasure either - apparently stomach muscles are used for everything! In an effort to not laugh, Kevin and I watch shows like Criminal Minds and CSI so that there isn't a chance of me laughing. I figure the longer I stay basically emotionless the better off I'll be.

Other happenings:

Well today we had our first family outing - woo hoo. I decided I should try to at least leave the house for a bit. I wasn't sure how long I'd last, but figured it was worth a try. I still can't drive (even though I'm off drugs). The books and DR's say not to drive until you can really turn and be in a seatbelt comfortably (usually 3-4 wks). Anyway, we decided to go to Kohl's. Nathaniel's first store he has ever visited is Kohl's. As I hobbled around the store he was a perfect little boy, not even one peep. We received this really cool car seat cover from my friend Kelly that works perfect for going to the store. It goes over the top part of the car seat so that no one can touch or cough on Baby Nate. There is a window you can open on the cover so that you can check in on him, it is really cool. Although slow I decided I could venture to another store.... we decided on Toys R Us... probably a more fun place for a kid haha. Once we were there I started to get tired and stiff though so we didn't last too long. Nate slept through the Saturday madness there as well. They have a surprisingly big Baby essentials (diapers, bottles, clothes, etc.) area for a toy store.

I still can't believe it has been two weeks since we were having Nathaniel. Sometimes it feels like time is zooming by (most things baby related) and sometimes it doesn't (most things pain and recovery related). On occasion I have been asked, 'Was it (it = labor and delivery) as bad as you thought it would be? and Isn't it (it= Nathaniel) all worth it?' I decided the answer to both is, 'yes' :) haha

Side Note: I was pleasantly surprised by our neighbors. We don't really know anyone all that well, but one neighbor brought over a little gift for Nate and another one brought over a dinner for us to eat. How nice is that?

Another pic or two of course

1 comment:

Dinah said...

These pictures of Nate are too precsious. I love the last one with the blue bear.

I'm glad that you are feeling well enough to be out of the house for the first adventure (besides the doctor).