The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, October 17, 2011

First Day Alone

Today Kevin went back to work. I was panicking a little (ok A LOT) because he really really helps me out with feeding time and **fussy** time and everything else (He deserves a lot of kudos for stepping up and just being really great to me and Nate through all of this recovery, not that I expected anything less, but he has given 150%). I still get sore when I lift things for too long (I feel it later in the day A LOT) I try and compensate for the tummy area and then my back really starts to hurt. Unfortunately, Baby Nate likes to be held when he is fussy. Right now I just can't really hold him very long making it a little frustrating since I can't really calm him down very well (hard to be a new mom and not be able to hold your crying baby).

All that being said, today went as smooth as I could hope for - let's hope the rest of the week goes ok too. I'd be lying if I said it was easy, but at least Nate and the dogs cooperated.

More on the dogs and Nate later... but there was one small thing that happened today I thought was funny. Kona and Mocha were outside. They usually paw at the door when they want in (~ 10 minutes after I let them out) and usually I'm pretty free to let them in, well... with Baby Nate I'm not as flexible. I could hear them getting antsier and antsier... all of a sudden they were inside. Kona opened the door herself. She has done that once before, but now she may be actually figuring it out. The door handle isn't round but more of a handle so she paws at it and it eventually opens. If I could teach her to close it after her and Mocha were inside then we'd be in business :)

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