The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sleep, Eat and Poo (not to be confused with Eat, Pray, Love)

I am stumped. Really. How does something so small that really doesn't do much manage to use up all the time in the day?? Lil Nate has only 5 things on his agenda usually 1) Sleep 2) Eat 3) Poo or pee 4) small play/alert time and 5) Be fussy. Granted the 'fussy' times take some real effort and time, but what about the rest of the day and the other 4 agenda items? Seriously, it will be noon and I'm like what has happened - am I in a time machine that sucks minutes away? You'd think with a 1-3 hr nap here or there I'd be all productive getting stuff done, but somehow my first thing on my 'to-do' list doesn't even get done. Usually in these blocks of time I'm trying to quick eat, organize a few things, debate whether I have time for a shower before he wakes, give the dogs some love and then all of a sudden he is awake again. I try to rest or take a nap during one of his naps (if he actually sleeps, but this almost never happens or if it does he inevitably wakes up 10 minutes after I lay down - murphy's law right!)

Maybe it is because I stare endlessly at him in amazement while he sleeps and this takes up all of my time - nah that isn't me, even though I do check in on him quite often to make sure he is breathing and is still super duper cute! I get plenty of bonding time with him during feedings where I can look at his little pudgy face the entire time (I may glance at the ipad here or there too - I know I'm a bad person)

Ok, ok, so maybe I exaggerate a bit since I am blogging right now and I have squeezed in a DVR'd show or two along the way... but I am seriously amazed about how much time a little baby actually takes up. Maybe it is the quick cycle time between feedings and naps so you are always running against the clock. And the naps don't always happen super quick so while you may have 3-4 hours between feedings sometimes there is only a real 1 or 2 hours of actual sleep time where you can do anything tangible. Regardless, by the end of the day I am always asking myself, 'where the heck did the time go?' I am assuming once you have several kids you have become super efficient and know all the tricks or else you'd never get anything completed.

In the end, maybe I just sit around spacing out thinking about how I still can't believe I have a little baby. What a wonderful little time sucker I have to look forward to every day. Now, having thought about it - I think my agenda items are the same as his right now (including fussy).... haha... well, it is kind of true though!


Kiera and Joe said...

I have these thoughts on a daily basis!! I think my to-do list is over a mile long. But I keep telling myself that they will only be this small for so long and then I will hours upon hours to get stuff done (or so I think!!) He is so adorable. When he comes to Arizona to visit his Aunt Krista I can't wait to squeeze him!!

Anonymous said...

I remember those days well! Even getting in 5 minutes to check my email was a success!

Everyone marvels at 3 months of maternity leave, but reality is that you're just feeding, changing diapers and trying to squeeze in some sleep and eat time for yourself!

It does get better as he will get older...I think my girls both slept from like 7-7 at 12 weeks...maybe waking once.

He's so cute and you guys look great too! Congrats to Nate (and you) on his baptism! Exciting :)
