The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, October 24, 2011

Nathaniel's 2nd Appt

Time flies. Nathaniel went to his second appt today. Once again Dr. Townsend was very helpful, it is nice not feeling like she is rushing us out, she takes the time to go over all our questions. Granted a lot of our questions don't really have solid answers... a lot of the answers are 'it depends' or 'I wish there was a black and white answer' or 'all babies are different' This was usually in regards to the fussiness. Anyway, his belly button thingy has completely fallen off and it looks good. His vitals checked out ok. He weighed in at 9 pounds 9 oz. This is a 1 lb gain since our last appt. (16 oz. over 13 days) I guess the range is 1/2 oz. to 1 oz. per day. If you do the math he is on the larger side of that range, which I don't mind since that means he is getting enough to eat - YAY!.

It was funny because during most of the appt when Dr. Townsend was inspecting him he was just looking at her being the perfect baby and she joked that he didn't look fussy at all. I said, 'You are meeting Daytime Nathaniel'. We did find out he isn't getting enough sleep due to his fussy periods. She said up to 20 hours can be normal for an infant and he gets anywhere between 13 and 15 hours. Part of me thinks he gets so tired that he can't get himself to sleep leading to the fussiness. Who knows, just a theory that I'm sure won't pan out ;)

Well, that is my quick update for today. Healthy Baby makes me a Happy Mommy! (and Dad too!) I'm on borrowed time since I can hear some peeps from the other room, I had hoped he'd sleep, but No.... stupid witching hour(s)

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