The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Is He Breathing

My sister is still here helping out. It is so nice to have someone I'm so close to be around to talk to and be able to get help from as I recover. Plus, it is just special to have her share this time with me. She is an actual Aunt, which is a whole new phase of our relationship... I love it. She was able to calm Nate down tonight after he was cranky for a bit.... perfectly showcasing her Auntie skills.

I make progress daily, but still can't really have Nate on or around my stomach so that makes some things difficult. My gynormously swollen feet are actually back to normal YAY! I had so many fluids because of surgery that I had a lot of swelling in my legs post op.

One thing I always told myself is that I wouldn't be that mom that wondered if her baby was breathing, but I find myself waking up in the middle of the night and wondering 'Is he breathing?' Sometimes he is so silent and still that I have to double check. Apparently, I have become one of those moms.

Couple little things/observations:

The little guy is as cute as ever and is sort of starting to follow some eating patterns, which is nice. He loves looking up at the ceiling fan (the fan isn't on either) he must like the shape. He grasps pretty tight already - his hands are always moving and appear to be quite strong. He was always so active in my belly that it doesn't surprise me that he is very active leg and arm wise now. My favorite thing is when he shakes his head back n forth .... it is like he is saying 'no no no no no'. Kevin is a superb diaper changer! More little things to come....

Few new pics
I'm all Clean - Bath time

What's up - I'm chillin


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