The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What happened to Easy Going?

Early on we (along with several others) said Baby Hahm was going to take after his parents and be easy going. Well, so far this prediction is NOT true. Unfortunately, the dreaded 'Witching Hour' might be alive and well in our house. The definition of the 'Witching Hour' has something to do with witches, ghosts, etc. at their most powerful and when black magic is most effective. Now I'm not sure how a newborn's hour(s) of fussiness has been labeled this.... maybe because you need some magic (some other color than black) to help you get through it. Or maybe it is because your baby doesn't resemble the baby from earlier in the day and you figure that can't possibly be your baby. Regardless, it makes the evening hours somewhat challenging.

It is funny because you start out these evenings thinking you are going to be a genius and figure out how to soothe and stop the fussiness. Quickly, you learn that the baby has you beat. You can run down every list and check off everything and the baby is still fussy. The baby can even fool you for about 5 or 10 minutes. You will try something new and the crying will stop and you think to yourself, 'YYEESSS' that was it... 'I'm an awesome baby genius' only to have him stick out that bottom lip and cry again. The bottom lip sticking out is the best on little Nate, he looks so disappointed that you can't figure it out. Diaper (check), fed (check), not to warm or not to cold (check), swing (check), rocking (check), vibration (check), burped (check), soothing noises (check), swaddle (check), new environment (check), one million other things (check)... after going through what seems like every possible option... Nathaniel's little fists and feet of fury start kicking and moving at light speed. I figure it was those fists and feet of fury in my belly that was making my right side hurt so much :) He does love to be carried around and rocked and that is what ultimately gets us through these evenings (granted Kevin does the majority of the carrying around right now). Side Note: This is where you get what is called 'mom arms' from carrying your baby around a lot during the witching hours ... man does it build muscle!!

A lot of people mention that you can just let the baby 'cry it out', but several things published today (well that I've glanced at) don't really like that method past a few minutes when the baby is still so young. The baby can't really build any bad habits yet and is mainly learning that there is someone there to trust. As I've mentioned before it is hard to go cold turkey from 24/7 rocking/cradling in the womb to this lonely outside world. It is true that a baby does need to learn how to self soothe so you do need to give them some room to fuss alone.

Now it is possible the fussiness could be caused by colic or my diet... we are looking in to those things too. Regardless, he is lucky he is so darn cute during the other parts of the day to make up for his 'DIVO ways' ;)   The video below will give you a taste of the lil Divo.

Some random pics of Nate as a newborn that were on Kevin's phone that I hadn't seen yet

1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

I love my mom arms!! Except my left arm is getting way bigger than my right...I guess I need to switch it up a bit more :)

Hang in there!! This stage won't last too long and hopefully the diet, gas drops and gripe water will help in the mean time. He still looks so cute even when he is crying :)