The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Blogless in Nashville

There is a lot going on in the Hahm household this week so I haven't been able to blog. My mom is visiting from AZ so during my 'Nate free' time (which can be quite limited during the day) we sit and chat or go do something so I don't get any blogging done.  

It is my mom's first grandchild and she is spoiling him with love as expected :) Apparently, she thinks she has the right to refuse changing dirty diapers and the right to hand him over once he is done being playful and cute ;) haha. It has been fun to have her around and enjoying Baby Nate. She really laughs at how different all of the toys and baby stuff have changed. Everything makes music or vibrates, there is a pee indicator on the diaper etc. - I guess us parents nowadays are really spoiled with conveniences. 

We have been trying to take Nate out to a few places. This helps me get used to doing things with him while I have some help. We headed to the mall and it was my first time dealing with the stroller alone. We got it open and the car seat in great. It started out fine, but then Nate decided he didn't want to be at the mall long so after a few short errands he started crying. The cashiers at Williams and Sonoma looked over and said, 'Oh he must be a little one. His cry sounds new'.. he decided to start the raspberries so I knew our time was up. I forgot how to close the stroller so I ended up having to put the seat down in the car and put the whole thing in the back... goofy goofy (I can hear my friend Karen just laughing at me as she pictures this). Now I know what to do for sure so this won't happen again!! We went to Costco the next day. Nathaniel liked it there and didn't cry, maybe he is hoping to get a taste of the big pumpkin pie we bought. At least I'm bumbling around as a new mom with my mom, there is something poetic about that memory.

As always, time flies and I can't believe my mom leaves in 2 days. She better get her fill of Nate cheek squeezing and smiling in before she leaves. At least when she hums or sings to Nate she actually knows the words to the nursery rhymes - Kevin and I sure don't.

I can hear some Nathaniel ** monkey noises ** from the other room so I think nap time is over. He does on occasion actually sleep.... on occasion being the key words there.

More blogging to come soon

Here is our first family picture

Kevin's dad noticed we were all together and snapped a picture - glad he did - I love it!

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