The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's Over...

I guess my pregnancy is officially over. I had my 6 week postpartum check up today. This is the appointment where they make sure everything went back to where it is suppose to go, plus make sure my c section stuff was healing properly. Everything checked out fine - YaY - so I'm officially not an OB patient any more. As usual, I left the appt with unanswered questions that I thought about once the doctor was out of the room. Owell I guess, some things never change.

As I left the doctor's office it felt so anti-climatic. Was all of this pregnancy stuff really over? It seems like there should be some glorious celebration or something. A celebration of making it through pregnancy and labor and the start of raising that little nugget. When I exited the doctor's office I imagined a ticker tape parade serenading me to my car. The paraders would have signs that said "You made it through the right side pain" "You survived being awake during a surgery" "You don't have to pee a million times a day anymore" etc etc. My celebration consisted of a quick stop at Publix to pick up a few groceries... I didn't even buy some good ice cream or anything ...

It all seems like a blur sometimes. It is almost a distant memory when I headed to this same office right after taking that pregnancy test, WWAAYYY back in January. I was frantic because I was headed to AZ the next day and I had no clue what to do as a pregnant person. I watched my belly grow and my feet disappear. I marveled at all of Baby Hahm's movement in my belly and those unforgettable ultrasounds. I can't believe that little buggar grew to be 8lb 7oz. Those 4 days in the hospital where surreal - partially because of the painkillers ;) and partially because I couldn't believe I had this perfect little person to love.

I continued to think about stuff like that as I sat in the 2nd waiting room amongst all of the pregnant people today. I was waiting to be called back and I just sat there and reflected on everything. The best way to sum up something so wonderfully complicated is to say, 'What a ride!' and I'm glad I finally took it. Now I just have to figure out how to raise Baby Nate - YIKES!!

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