The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Huh? Duh? What?

When I was still pregnant I blogged about 'pregnancy brain' or what I like to call 'Momnesia'. This was where pregnant ladies put their keys in the freezer or leave the house and forget where they are going, etc. etc. I never really experienced any momnesia. I had some difficult nights sleeping and I was exhausted here or there, but overall I can't say I did any seemingly scatter brained things.

Well, that has all changed! Wait, what was I talking about.... hhhhmmm???? Oh yeah how newborn + nursing brain is like a double dose of scatter brain. I find myself searching for words all the time. I forget the silliest easiest things. For example, I was talking to a friend the other night and I could not remember what our house was selling as when we bought it.... not a foreclosure, not a normal sale, but a SHORT SALE... duh... it took me like 30 seconds to remember short sale. That isn't even a hard concept. I guess almost 6 weeks of sleeping no more than 1-3 hour chunks takes its toll on the mind. Plus, I'm pretty sure Nathaniel sucks up all my nutrients so my brain isn't being fed ;)

What is equally tragic is that Kevin is going on a lot less sleep and energy too so when we are out together it is like the dumb leading the dumb. The both of us together lately equal one working brain. This isn't to say Kevin isn't still excelling at the office, I just figure he uses all the good brain cells he has at work and all of the tired brain cells at home. Granted it doesn't take a genius to walk Baby Nathaniel in circles around the house until he falls asleep, it only takes Super DaD energy cells. I guess it is only fair to say that when Kevin gets home I've used up all my Super MoM energy cells during the day and Kevin is left with the sluggish MoM cells when he has to deal with me at night.

I might go recite the elementary school multiplication tables now just to revive the grey matter that is becoming jello. It is a good thing I only have to say the simplest of words (sometimes just sounds even) to Nathaniel to help him thrive. Maybe he won't notice his mom is truly living up to the nickname *Spacey Stacy*

I just got distracted by a bright light.... just kidding, but not to far off from my current IQ status.

I tried to get a snapshot of the smile

Nathaniel in his crib - he loves looking at the mobile.  He doesn't sleep there yet though.

Kona basking in the sun

Mocha also basking in the sun, but the sun moved

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