The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 5, 2011

LLLL...Little Loads of Laundry

You never realize how much spit up there will be until you have a baby that spits up. I have visited friends in the past and there is a drool or spit up here or there and it seems like so little and really not a big deal. Well, I'm here to tell you that once you are the receiver of all the spit up suddenly you realize how it accumulates on stuff throughout the day. When I go to feed I hate using a burp cloth or rag that has already been spit up on... it just feels cold and gooey. Sometimes I even wet them a little to wipe off Nathaniel's face or clothes if he gets a little spit up on himself so then they are cold, gooey and wet. I find myself grabbing new little rags all day. I don't have an endless supply so laundry adds up quickly. It is these tiny little loads getting done all the time. I had no idea the importance of little burp rags. They play a major part in my everyday. While I'm at it, receiving blankets deserve a shout out too... I use those little blankets everywhere on everything.

The little loads of laundry basically consist of tiny blankets and tiny rags..... tiny socks, tiny mittens, tiny outfits (although he has long since grown out of anything newborn size). Kevin and I are quickly learning that our shoulders will have spit up on them occasionally - no matter how hard we try to get that little rag under him when we burp him it just moves sometimes. I always think to myself how it must stink to spit up and then just have your face buried in spit up because you are just a tiny person with no other options but to just deal with it until your parents move you and wipe you off :) We are also learning that he gets either out of control cranky right before a spit up (stomach upset I guess) or a huge smile and then spits up.... you will be admiring his super cute little grimace and then suddenly it isn't so cute, but flying liquid all over the new outfit you just put on him. Putting on those tiny outfits is quite the challenge too when the lil' guy is so squiggly (I should have played with more dolls!!)

Oh and another thing, no one ever told me how much the spit up ends up in those tiny baby neck folds that are nearly impossible to clean. It is like he knows I want to wipe his neck and so he moves in every way possible so I can't get into those folds. He doesn't have much control of his head yet, but somehow can manage to keep all those folds nestled tight. It is so hard! - and it isn't like you are going to yank his head around to get to those folds.

Anyway...Yep, you guessed it the dryer signal just went off and I need to go fold the little load of laundry.


G pa Davis said...

Why not post a picture of Nate on the right side of this along with the dogs?

SNH said...

good idea - I am working on a better picture, for some reason it doesn't let me make it bigger...