The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, November 18, 2011

Diaper Dance...

I can't believe how many diapers you go through in a day. I mean I knew you use a lot but WOW. By the end of the day the dirty diapers amount to three times the size of him, is that possible? I imagine all the people doing the same thing I am and no wonder our landfills are full. I see why people look for alternatives that are more environmentally friendly. Granted with cloth diapers I have heard people use so much water and stain remover and bleach etc. that you wonder if all that is just as bad as the regular diapers. I haven't had time to look into the matter, thus I don't have an educated opinion.  At least it does appear there is far less plastic on the diapers nowadays compared to the past. That is a step in the right direction.

Anyway, that isn't even what I wanted to blog about. I wanted to blog about how challenging it is to change a diaper on a squiggly, jiggley, wiggly moving target. Nathaniel isn't sluggish that is for sure. That boy moves constantly especially when you are changing his diaper. He gets those legs going up and down, up and down, kick, kick. This isn't some slow kick either, it is like he is getting ready to run a sprint. The arms move with the same vigor as the legs. You can just picture me (a new totally uncoordinated mom) trying to change a diaper on this wiggly guy. You have to get the onesie pulled up and then hold those squiggly legs long enough to wipe. And while you are holding legs and wiping you are also watching for the inevitable pee stream to head your way. You then quick stick that diaper under him hoping you got it up far enough before he jiggles out of it. 

You then play a game of side to side as you try to latch the diaper together. You find a rhythm with his kicking so that you can actually latch the diaper. A quick tab stick on the left, then the right, then the left, then the right....This goes on and on until it looks secure. When you are done with this tiny test of patience he of course settles down and just looks at you like, 'Why did that take you so long' Of course five minutes later the diaper *wet* indicator is blue again and the ~~ diaper dance ~~ starts all over again. BTW, Kevin is real good at the diaper dance, way better than me. 

How many years of diapers are there?? I'll tell you what, picking up the doggie doo in the backyard is easier (possibly smellier although that is still up for debate)- HaHa.

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