The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I am still having good and bad days. However, bad is more like I just get sore and run down by the end of the day, which is a huge improvement. I am still not even close to 100% but I'm making strides. That being said, I have a few more activities under my belt that I haven't done since before I gave birth. Nathaniel had a few too.

*- I drove for the first time YAY! I felt like a real person. Kevin's mom babysat Nathaniel and I ran a few errands. It was nice just to go somewhere, a little reprieve from my cabin fever.
*- We all went to the mall. I had not been to the mall in ages. We went to buy that cute little outfit for Nathaniel's baptism. Walking around a few stores with a baby stroller was sure a new experience. It was the first time we had used the stroller. Once we got to the mall we realized we forgot the stroller and and Kevin and his dad ran back home to grab it (yep, a fine example of us being new parents). Then we spent a bit of time figuring out how the car seat fit into the stroller. We of course did this when we first got the stroller but had forgotten over the last few months. He seemed to really like being rolled around - he didn't peep once unless you stopped for too long. I still walk real slow so people were passing me in the mall, but so be it. Once again I felt like a real person out and about.
*- I wore a pair of jeans instead of sweatpants for the first time. Most pants rub right where the c section scar is so I have pretty much worn comfy sweats (plus I don't go anywhere so sweats seem fine). I figured I was headed to the mall maybe I should try a pair of real pants. I jerry rigged the jeans so that they didn't fit tight around the scar area very similar to what I did while I was pregnant. A long shirt and a pad over the scar worked great. A real outfit!
*- As mentioned above - Nathaniel was babysat for the first time.
*- I drank a sip of beer, which I hadn't done since January. Just a sip though, I'll have to blog when I actually drink a whole beer.
*- I have been up and down the stairs now. I still don't overdue the stairs, but I can go up them without much effort or pain.
*- Kevin bottle fed little Nathaniel. It was the first time since the first night we brought him home that he had used a bottle. The doctor said to introduce the bottle 1-2 times a week so that he will accept it down the road.
*- Nathaniel wore a size 1 diaper for the first time. They are a touch big, but seem to hold the yuckies in :) the newborn diapers seemed so tight around his legs.

I'm sure there are more.. but these were a few from the last few days.

We got these socks from Kevin's Aunt Mary Lynne - they really look like converse shoes and not socks... pretty cool

Sleepy relaxed Nate

1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

I LOVE that you forgot the stroller....I forgot the diaper bag on my first trip out. Went to the doc with no diapers, wipes, clothes, etc. Felt like a real winner! Wes loves the stroller...long walks with the baby are the best :)