The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Moves, Mumbling and Molars

So many M's so little time. I'm pretty sure M was the letter of the day on Sesame St. too. j/k i don't know, but I am always impressed with the guests that come on Sesame st. It always takes me by surprise if I look over and Ray Romano or Mario Lopez or Natalie Portman is talking to Big bird or something. It is cool that they do that - I hope it is as altruistic as it appears.
Ok, so what 'moves' am I talking about. The little man is starting to dance more. Now if he is anything like his mom or dad there is no real hope that he will be good, but we don't discourage him ;) His moves to date have consisted of bending at the knees and bouncing (kind of like Kevin). I wouldn't say he dances a lot, but at least there is some rhythm shining through. He has taken a big step though and has added spinning. He kind of bounces and then spins. I call it 'doing your circles'. I'm not even sure if it is actually dancing or if he just likes feeling dizzy. Probably the dizzy thing huh? Maybe he will surprise us all and pull out a John Travolta next. I'll make sure to get a video if that happens.
At least several times a day I feel so bad that I can't understand what Nathaniel is saying. His words sound so much like real words, but sadly they aren't words yet. His mumbling is so full of inflections, attenuation and different sounds. Lately, he looks at you with this stink look like, 'Come on man, what are you not getting here!!' He even walked up to Kevin and I when we were watching him say something and he kind of looked at us, swung his arm in disappointment and walked off frustrated. Of course we thought it was super cute.
He is maybe a little behind in speech since he isn't around a lot of people talking, but we aren't concerned since he is still along the usual path. I've read some stuff and nothing screams red flag at me yet (let's hope it stays that way). Almost everything says all kids are pretty much equal by kindergarten (given normal circumstances) and you can't even tell who was an early or late talker since talking by itself isn't really an indicator of intelligence. There is a lot written about memorizing versus context. Lots of kids can rattle off flash cards apparently, but can't really translate the words or phrases into different scenarios. I don't know since i have zero experience with this, but it is kind of interesting to think about. I actually read something about people hiring tutors during preschool just to make sure their kids were excelling. Tutoring in preschool - talk about pressure. I think it is just all of the parents feeling that competitive pressure to have the smartest kids. Let's hope it doesn't cloud our ability to also let them have fun.
I think I'll just stick to the basics... reading to him and narrating our lives :) Regardless, his upswing in seriousness when he says something to us indicates he is ready to communicate! It is hard not to feel bad when you can't understand him. Whatever he is saying is said with such conviction; yet you stand there staring at him. When he is finished you say something probably totally unrelated like, 'that was a good book, or that dog did walk by you' and he just walks off. haha he probably thinks we are idiots :)
Molars! He is getting a molar or two. It appears that the left side is getting teeth faster than the right. But, it is hard to confirm that since the only glance I get is when he is laying down and I make him laugh and I quick look in his mouth. He isn't a fan of me sticking my fingers in his mouth and has no idea what open your mouth means. The only signs have been a bit of drooling here or there and chewing on some stuff more than he had been. Although every time he is a little grumpy, which really isn't very often I like to blame it on his teeth. I have to be right at least once right? He does have 3 teeth on the front bottom (the right side is lagging behind) and 4 on the front top.
Big M, little m... M m M (loosly taken from the Dr. Suess ABC book) This is one of those books you memorize because it is brought to you all the time and you read it several times in a row.  I hid it one day just because I wanted a day off from the book .... ssshhh don't tell Nate

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