The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, April 5, 2013


I thought about what to call this post. After some thinking there is no better way to title this post other than 'Boogers'. I have been super fortunate. Nathaniel has not had a cold his entire life (knock on wood) ... until last week. (In full disclosure he had a bit of a stomach thing once when we got home from PHX. It only lasted for a day, but that could have been just travelling, not sure). Anyway, he got a bit of the common cold last week. Thank goodness my first sickness with him was a mild common cold. No fever really, no coughing, no sneezing really, no anything really..... other than BOOGERS. haha.
I had a package of grape flavored boogie wipes that I had bought before he was born and it hasn't even been opened. That is how little we have wiped his nose.
I honestly had no idea how gooey and green and sticky and resilient and stretchy boogers were. Really I had no idea. Grabbing boogers may be worse than poopy diapers. Of course the little dude did not want me near his nose. I was playing a complex game of cat and mouse with an 18 month old trying to get something that I didn't even want. Just when I think I have it (the booger) it ricochets back up into his nose.... there is some serious stretch in those things. So then it becomes a waiting game for that big disgusting mass to show its face again.
I became quite skilled in what I like to call 'the sneak' I don't let him see me coming and I reach around and try to grab it before he has time to maneuver away. Sometimes sans kleenex. You have to do what you have to do before it ends up in some mysterious part of the house or your hair or on your shirt! Nathaniel learned to wipe his nose on Kevin's shoulder. Kevin's shirts were all goobed.
Part of me thinks he should just let me blow his nose, right? - why isn't he just letting me and behaving? Then I realize (thank goodness) that he hasn't been sick so why would he have any idea what I was doing or want me to do it. I assume over time I'll be able to teach him.
I must admit I've always heard of kids *flinging* their boogers and figured it was just a saying, but now having seen what a little kid booger is made out of they probably can *fling* those suckers. Now that I have had the wonderful opportunity to be up and close with kid boogers they are crazy gross!! I'm pretty sure they are made out of a mix of tomatillo salsa and that stuff they use to stick gift cards to the packaging (you know that glop of glue stuff).
Appetizing post huh ;)

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