The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 7, 2013

It's a First

The weather was in the low 70s this weekend. Perfect spring weather. The cherry blossoms are blooming and are so gorgeous. They look like perfect pink puffs. We couldn't wait to get outside and take it all in. For me there is a small window between perfect weather/no bugs and too hot/bugs. I have already seen a few bees buzz by.... boo! I wish Buzz from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse could change my thinking about bees, but NO. There is even a cute cartoon called The Hive on Disney Jr. channel. Those bees could not be cuter, but still not changing my mind.
We decided to go to the city park. This particular park has a ton of playground equipment and a walking path. Sooooo we took the dogs too. It is our first trip with all 5 of us in the car. We thought for sure we had done it before, but nope. We take walks all the time, but in our neighborhood so we don't all hop in the car. Kevin and Mocha sat in the front - Kona, me and Nate in the back. It went pretty well except for Kona wishing she had more room in the backseat. We all unloaded at the park and had a nice stroll. Nate got to go on the swing and be scared of anyone that looked his way (more about this later). It was cute how Kona would look for Nate and Kevin in the play area and get excited when they would head our way. The dogs got a lot of attention as I walked them around the play area boundary. I think it is so funny how all the kids think Mocha is a dalmatian. They get so excited... 'look a dalmatian!!' When we left I figured we should be fair so Kona got the front seat on the way home while Mocha laid across my lap in the back. Fun times.
Because of the nice weather we were obviously outside a lot. Nathaniel loves to run up and down a little hill we have in our front yard. It gives me a slight heart attack each time because he is basically in a slightly controlled fall/run as he barrels downhill towards the sidewalk/road. He laughs the whole time and loves it. We wait at the bottom to scoop him up before the sidewalk. After about 20 of these he ran off down the sidewalk. This is where he fell. He was in shorts since the weather was nice. This made for a scraped knee. His first scrape. He looks like a real boy now :)
Nathaniel's first Bocce ball game. It looked like a strong man competition the way he would lift those balls. Of course he didn't really play, but he had a great time moving those balls around.


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