The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, April 29, 2013

No's and Naps

I'm starting to think Nathaniel has two definitions for the word NO (or na in his voice). One is the real definition. He displays this more and more. I'll give him a choice between two things to eat and he will shake his head NO to one of them. Or I'll ask if he wants to go upstairs and he will shake his head NO. The second definition is a little less clear, but I think he shakes his head when he doesn't really have any other reaction or when I am telling him NO. If I say NO he runs off saying 'na na na'. It is the only time he really says it, which is interesting. It is almost like he is mocking me. I'll say something like 'Are you drinking water?' and he will shake his head NO even though he is (and I know he knows it is his water). Or 'Is that Mickey Mouse on tv' and he will shake his head NO (and I know he knows Mickey Mouse).... not sure why these get a NO answer. Maybe NO also means YES in these circumstances.
Which brings me to this... he does not know YES. His version of yes is *no reaction* usually. If I ask something and he just looks at me it is his version of YES. We have now been trying to exaggerate our YES's. Hopefully this will help him catch on. He hasn't been too frustrated with the communication thing so that is good. Although every once in awhile he will throw out a YES in a right context. I haven't caught on to the pattern yet, but he sort of gets it in certain scenarios and can say the word.
Having a toddler is kind of like solving puzzles constantly. But a puzzle that cries or throws a tantrum if you don't solve it in a timely manner ;) Actually, he doesn't cry or throw tantrums too often (unless it is having him come inside or not allowing him to go outside). On occasion though he is a bit of a drama king for no reason. It cracks me up sometimes how absurd the situation is, but so REAL for him. You can suggest something as simple as a different book and WOWZA you regret that suggestion immediately. It is as if you don't understand that 'Billy Goats Gruff' for the 10th time in a row is completely reasonable and The Hungry Caterpillar is the worst book ever (even though tomorrow it will be the best book). Or don't suggest he stay off of the ottoman and crawl on the couch instead... bad idea. And if you are even thinking of putting the grated cheese away without offering him any... watch out. What? you were going to close the refrigerator door before allowing him to peek inside... good luck!!
I'll chalk up his drama king ways to his need to explore to learn. He couldn't possibly be turning into a miniature brat could he?!? In his words 'NA NA NA' ;)
Now onto his napping. A few weeks ago I declared him a one nap dude. He graduated to the next level. One nap a day. Well, he thinks he is a one nap a day kind of guy, but not so fast. What that really means is that he takes one nap a day in his crib. He is consistently sneaking in a morning nap, just not in his crib. He takes that nap in the car on the way to anywhere. I'll look in the back of the car and almost everyday, there he is .... sleeping soundly. He is so superdee duperdee cute I can't possibly wake him so I let him sleep. I know I'm a sucker mom with nothing pressing to get to, plus it almost guarantees me a pleasant afternoon because he is all rested and happy. There are days I wake him up and he truly does have one nap that day.
I can't hardly blame him since he gets this habit from my DNA. I have always had a tendency to sleep in the car from a very young age so it's hereditary. My dad always teased that I'd barely get out of the driveway and I'd be asleep. We traveled from Phoenix to Kingman a lot when I was a kid to visit family and it felt like the distance was 5 miles. I never remember the ride there. This was when the road was a lot worse too and it took longer. Sleeping in the car is awesome when you are a kid. Now I have to stay awake because I don't trust Kevin's driving HA! j/k I can still fall asleep, but I try not to for safety reasons.
Just remember if you see a momish looking person sitting around in a random part of a parking lot looking at her iphone she probably has a sleeping child in the back. A child who will use the word NO less because he is rested!

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