The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Picture Time

18 months, 1 groupon, 8 emails to photographer, 6 clothing purchase returns, 2 appointment changes, 3 location drive-bys ....and we finally had a professional family picture done. I'm seriously shocked we ever got it together. I'm not a huge fan of having my picture taken so that aided in the procrastination. Last wed. we had our photography session.
We tried to get pictures done in the Fall, but the photographer was booked until Christmas so we waited until spring. Then I had to cancel our first appt. because of rain. Then the 10 day forecast kept switching from rain/no rain for our new scheduled day. I was starting to think no matter when I scheduled the appt. it was going to rain. It ended up not raining, but was unseasonably warm (80+humidity). That temperature isn't horrible, but when you have the family in pants and sweaters it can get a little warm (mostly me). It went down to a cool perfect 65 by the next day :(
Waiting until Spring to take the pictures seemed like a good idea at the time. What I hadn't anticipated by waiting until spring was how active an 18 month old is... especially around dirt and rocks. While he is the cutest thing in the picture he is also the most mobile. I'll be surprised if there are 10 pictures where one part of his body isn't blurry from moving! Or 10 pictures that he doesn't have dirty hands from holding rocks and touching gross stuff. I'm told 'boys will be boys' At one point we were throwing a disgusting water bottle lid that he found 10 ft in front of him to fetch just so he'd look towards the camera... yep he was basically a kid-dog at that point. The dogs would have been proud of his retrieving ability.
It will still be a few weeks until we get our pictures, but I'll be sure to share (well if there are any good ones haha).
Here are a couple of fun pictures from the past week. Enjoy.
The first pic is his cute scrunchy face... and I like his cool guy look in the 3rd :o)
Cherry Blossoms (and ASU fan club) pic

Nap Time!!

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