The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Shy and Skinny

Nathaniel has always been a pretty easy going guy. He is usually happy, easily amused and friendly. Well, over the last few weeks he has become quite shy. I am hoping this is just a stage he is going through. I had started to notice in stores that when people would say 'hi' to him, or the cashier would talk to him, he would turn his head all shy. I hadn't realized how bad it was until we started the 'mommy and me' music class again.
The last music class we had been to was towards the end of fall. Our instructor had a baby and took some time off. The first class back was about 2 weeks ago and was interesting. I wondered what would happen because I saw this shyness creeping in. The minute we walked into class he grasped on to me like it was armageddon. He had his head buried in my shoulder. He didn't cry or anything, but he wasn't about to let go. He sort of looked once and made eye contact with the teacher and back in to my shoulder he went. Luckily, half way through class he was walking around, but no real interest in class. I was just happy he was confident enough to be walking around not holding on to me. The next class it took a little less time for him to let go of me, but still not his old self.   The people in the class that know him are so surprised by his shyness because he was so happy go lucky when they last saw him.  He does a little better at the library class - not sure why?
Another time that I saw the severity of his shyness was at a teacher supply store. He was walking around the store just goofing around. He went about 15 feet from me, but in complete eye sight. One of the workers leaned over and talked to him. He turned into a statue. A super petrified statue. He put his face next to what he was looking at and wouldn't move. The worker said, 'I think he is going...' by that time I was already there and she was right... he was about to cry. He was scared stiff... literally. I scooped him up. He didn't cry, but I got an earful. I'm not sure what he was saying, but he was definitely telling me something.
It is so weird to see him transform. He will be enjoying himself walking around somewhere (zoo, store, wherever) but once a person comes near he grabs on to your legs and wants picked up. I figure I'll just keep on keeping on and hope he feels comfortable again. My sister made a lot of sense when she said, 'He is more aware now'. That is true. Now he gets that there are people he doesn't recognize and he is probably trying to sort that out in his brain.
We obviously aren't around a lot of people we know since we don't hardly know anyone, which doesn't help. But I was happy to see him warm up pretty quickly at a happy hour we went to the other day with some people that work with Kevin. Nathaniel was super shy for about 10 minutes, but started warming up to the table. By the end he was flirting a little with his big smile and playing like nothing was bothering him. Yay!
Ok, now on to skinny.... I mentioned awhile back about how when the seasons change I have zero clothes for the kid. The weather has been warming up so I needed some shorts. I figured it was a sign when we were playing outside and he was super sweaty :) I went out and got him a few pairs to start out the season. I put them on and he walked off all normal and about 2 seconds later the shorts were around his ankles. They just fell right off. They were too big. I wish I had that problem!!! Anyway, I tried the next pair... around his ankles. One pair lasted about 1/2 hour. He was outside with Kevin and I guess the humidity stretched them out because all of a sudden he was in the front yard with his pants down. Funny. Apparently, size 24 months is not going to work unless they tie or have size adjusters built in. His shirts are all size 2 or 24 months and fit fine. Last year's shorts are too tight and too short (he looked like a creepy coach haha) So off I go to find a few more.

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