The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

"Yay Company"

Well, I think that is what Nathaniel is thinking anyway. Grandma and Gramdpa Hahm visited over the weekend and Nathaniel had so much fun. I was basically chopped liver. Nathaniel was so happy to have someone other than me around :) As usual he warmed up very quick to Grandma Hahm. We have a photo album of our relatives that we show him hoping he recognizes people over time. Well, he got very excited when he looked at the picture and then pointed to them for real in person. I think something clicked, the photo album is making sense in his mind now. It was very cute.   

Time always zips by when company is here. We were able to eat at the Aquarium restaurant in the Opryland Mills mall and show Nathaniel all the fish. Nathaniel got to play Bocce ball with Grandma Hahm after eating at Bosco's (our weekend usual). And we even got to visit the historic Carter house. Something I learned .... a 19 month old is hard to control during a guided tour in a historic building. He didn't quite understand why he couldn't touch all of the stuff. Needless to say I went outside with Nate for most of the tour (it was a super nice day though and there were a ton of squirrels so I may have gotten the better tour). Here is Kevin and Nate in front of one of the buildings - those are actual civil war bullet holes.

Nathaniel's favorite word to say to our visitors was 'Uh Oh'... he said it a lot. Kevin and I went out to grab sushi since we had a babysitter and apparently he said 'Uh Oh' just laying in his crib instead of sleeping... crazy little guy. I guess he likes the sound of those words.

He always loves all the attention he gets while they are here. Today they headed to Wisconsin and I'm pretty sure he was wondering what happened to all the fun. I could see the 'oh man just mom again' in his facial expressions :) Until next time...

Side Note: Here is a little preview of the pictures we had taken (the resolution will be better once we get the actual files.  These were just screen shots).  I'll put a few more up once I get them all. They turned out ok. I wish there were more of me and Nate, but owell. It kind of looks like Kevin is a single dad. There are a ton of cute ones of them two.  I didn't really think about more of just me and him while we were taking the pics.  There are a few family ones that are ok :)  It never fails that if I look good, kevin or Nate look wierd vice versa vice versa.  Although any shots of Nate not just running around like a little crazy person were probably a win that day! 


1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

How the heck did I miss these pictures?!?!?!? Stacey, you have such a beautiful family!! Nate is so adorable and you look so beautiful :) I love your new header too!! I think they turned out so great. I love them!

I'm sure you are getting ready for your visitor!!!! Have so much fun together!