The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lie Down

What is Nathaniel's favorite thing?  It's not going to bed at night that is for sure.  His new thing is not wanting to go to sleep.  Each night is a bit of a struggle now.  We are hoping it is a phase.  That kind of made me laugh out loud.  I feel like anytime something comes up we just hope it is a phase.  I'm not sure that is the right way to approach raising a toddler... haha.  Shrug your shoulders ... 'eeehh it will pass' is apparently our mantra.  

The regular bedtime routine ensues.... milk, go to his room, rub lotion on his cheeks, brush his teeth and read a book.  This is where it goes downhill.  Once you put him in his crib he cries now.  He used to just lay down and go to bed.  Actually that isn't correct - he doesn't actually cry until you leave the room.  If you stay in the room there isn't any crying.  This is where he is funny, well at least to us.  It is especially funny to hear through the monitor.

You put him in his crib and then he points (pretty sternly) at the floor and says 'LIE DOWN' 'lie down'.  We comply.  It used to be just a few minutes and you'd get up and leave.  Now if you get up to try and leave you get more 'LIE DOWN's' That little almost 2 year old is quite bossy.  We didn't mind complying because we figured he just wanted a little more mommy/daddy time.  I know I know, he is taking advantage of us.  But I'm sure it is just a phase so no worries :) Right??  Don't disagree or you might find yourself being told to 'Lie Down!' too

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