The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Turn

Not to be confused with 'The English Turn'.  Where the French tricked the English into turning around near New Orleans (the early established Orleans back then).  The French had settled down near the crescent in the Mississippi river and wanted control of the waterway for trade and stuff.  A small crew of Frenchmen overstated the French occupation when they stopped and talked to the English boat.  The big English boat thinking that they were outnumbered turned around and left the area.  Thus, aptly named 'The English Turn'  I only bring this up because it popped into my mind when I typed 'The Turn'.  There is a golf course named 'The Turn' so of course I wondered why it was called that and asked a local.  I thought the story was pretty cool and it stuck with me. 

Have you guessed what 'The Turn' is yet?  

Yep, we turned the little guy around in his carseat.  He is now forward facing like the rest of the world (well except for those smaller than him).  It is recommended now to wait at least until they are 2 or more depending on their size.  This is a fairly new recommendation due to their spines not being fully developed.  They are so top head heavy that if there is a car accident their neck's aren't always strong enough to keep the heavy head in place if there isn't support.  The rear facing gives the head a lot more support than forward facing lessening injuries.    

Nathaniel was reaching the max height for rear facing plus we are pretty close to his 2 year birthday so we just went ahead and did it.  We had the carseat out for a thorough cleaning so it seemed like a good time.    

It went over really well, he loved his new found freedom.  NOT.  Sometimes I forget how important routine is to a toddler.  There wasn't a mirror, he had nowhere to put his feet, etc.  He did not appreciate having his world turned around so abruptly.  There was definitely a mini meltdown.  He cried until about the halfway point on the way to the library.  He kept saying 'Out, out, out' :(  It was about at the halfway point I somehow distracted him enough so that he'd at least look around.  He looked something like this, but WWWAAAYYY more teary eyed.

Then he started to come around and chit chat about something.  He looked more like this.  A mix between emotionally distraught and complete goofball.

Now he just looks like this!  Content and happy with his new situation.  

Now, what I didn't realize is how backwards it turned things around for me.  Loosening the straps is harder and I have to get used to holding him differently to get him in.  But I think the worst part is that when he is having a snack or holding a toy, etc. if he let's go of it, it just falls to the floor.  It used to just sit in the gathering area between Nate's legs and the seat.  I miss that!!!!  I can't reach the stuff he drops while I'm driving so it just rolls around and he asks for it... what a pain in the butt.  There is a silver lining - I get to see that cutey patooty face in person instead of reflected in the mirror.  

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