The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Swings Are Awesome

Nathaniel and I try to go to the park a couple times a week.  There are 2 bigger parks and one smaller neighborhood park that we usually frequent.  The bigger parks have a lot of kids, tons of big things to climb on, slides, musical type stuff, etc., but you will usually (99% of the time) find us on the swings.  The kid LOVES the swing.  I'll ask 'Do you want to go run or go to the slide?' 'No' is the answer.  Or if you say 'Do you want to do something different' sometimes you will get a 'Yes' I'll get Nate down from the swing.... and he just goes to a different swing.  The green swing is WWWAAAAYYY different than the yellow swing I guess.  

The funny part about the swing is that he gets what we call 'swing face'.  You can't tell if he likes it or hates it or is scared or having the best time of his life.  He kind of just zones out.  It must be relaxing.  The only way we know he likes it is because he asks to go to the park all the time and runs to the swing.  Maybe he will grow up to play professional poker and his 'swing face' will become a 'poker face' or possibly a better profession requiring the same skill set ;)  He gets 'swing face' on the carousel at the zoo too!

If you are at the park long enough and he has exhausted all of the swing options he will run around a bit.  I like to see him branch out occasionally.  During the summer I haven't pushed him much because the swings at the parks we go to are usually in the shade which has been fine by me!  But, he will go down a slide occasionally and cross over some fun type bridges.  There is a TeePee at one of the parks that he likes to run through.  (Side Story - there was an unusually vocal kid at the park one day and I kept asking Nate do you want to go through the house.  We'd run through it.  The kid kept saying 'It's a teepee not a house'  He also told me I could stand up inside instead of hunching over... kids are goofy)  

I don't know if my memory is correct, but I'm pretty sure I used to cry when I had to try to go down slides.  I remember some big slides at Whataburger and I'd cry.  Or those really big slides at the fair, I HATED those!  It's possible he has my adventurous side (or not so adventurous side) haha.

I guess to follow the trendy quote.... 'Be Calm and Swing On' Maybe I'll make him a shirt that says that. :)

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