The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Fair

Nathaniel went to his first fair.  It was our little county fair and not as big as a traditional state fair.  We wanted to ease him in to the fried snickers, people watching and fast rides.  It only cost $3 to get in and Nathaniel was free - talk about good deal!!  We met a couple there that have a daughter Nate's age so he got to explore the fair with a little friend.

We ate straight away since it was dinner time.  Normally dinner is a boring thing to blog about, but you are at the fair so it is a chance to eat crazy food.  Kevin got a cheese steak, I got cheese pizza and we got fresh cut fries and lemonade.  Nate loved the lemonade and fries. (I fed him dinner before we went so he could just snack).  Our friends bought HUGE onion rings and they were so good.  Kevin got a fried snickers to share with everyone.  

We had to cut dinner short to make it to the dock dog jumping.  This is where dogs run and jump as far as they can into a pool.  The big dogs were jumping around 25 feet.  It kept the attention of the little ones for a bit.  They clapped for the dogs.  It was cute.

After that we headed to the agriculture center.  They had a neat little thing set up for kids.  The kids become farmers and walk through a maze doing farm like things.  At the end they turn in their work for money and get to buy something.  They planted corn seeds, milked a fake cow, combed a sheep to get wool, picked apples, feed chickens and collected eggs, harvested vegetables and other fun stuff.  They got to put all this stuff in a basket and carry it around until the end.  It was done really well.  Then they sold the stuff they collected for *money* and got to buy a treat.  Nathaniel picked animal crackers.  

Next was the farm animals.  Nathaniel loved looking at all the animals.  The goats, horses, bull, alpaca, chickens, pig (plus newborn piglets that somehow I missed, but Nate and Kevin saw them) Then we headed back out to lolly gag around the fair. 

I think Nathaniel's (and his little friends) favorite thing was dancing by a restored music car.  It was the size of a train car and played music like a music box.  It was built in 1892.  It was neat.  Nate and his friend ran around and danced and had a good time.  They also danced to the R&B music that was inside the fair ctr.  Maybe it was because they were up past their bedtime or maybe they are just crazy dancers! 

I really enjoyed going.  It was a perfect size and crowd for an almost 2 year old.  Unfortunately I didn't get that many great pictures, but here are a few.

Planting the corn

Combing the sheep

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