The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My friends

Ok, so Nathaniel doesn't really have many friends yet. Sad? I know! I'm working on it. It's possible he inherited his parents social skills. He does however have two friends that make him laugh. Mocha and Kaka. Yep, Kona is Kaka. Which is actually better than what he was calling her, which was Mocha. Yep, both were Mocha. Or something that sounded like Mocha. But, it is a huge step that Kona now has her own identity :) Kaka the weimaraner. This is a fairly new development. I heard him saying 'Bye Bye Mocha, Bye Bye Kaka' when we were leaving. He now says it all the time.
I call them his friends because friends make you laugh, right? Nathaniel loves when Mocha chases him around trying to get whatever he is holding. It cracks him up (not me so much since it is usually something Mocha shouldn't have), but it is fun to watch those two. He also likes to watch Kona out of the window rolling around in the grass. He yells 'Again' to her when she stops. She doesn't always listen. Apparently rolling around in the grass is hilarious. Also, when Mocha runs full speed in the backyard Nate tries to keep up, laughing as he runs after him. While he is laughing I'm cringing that he is going to get ran over. He hasn't yet, keep your fingers crossed.
Now it isn't always fun and games. Nathaniel hasn't quite mastered being gentle. Quite often he pets the dogs more like hits. We are working on that - I tell him he needs to be nice to his friends.

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