The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blogless in Nashville

As you may have noticed I didn't blog yesterday. Here's why - my right side pain came on pretty strong last evening so I ended up spending most of the night laying on my left side resting. Most other positions made the pain come and go. The pain does seem to be worse in the evenings and I'm not sure why, maybe because I have a whole day of eating and activity by then. Today I still feel a little pain and I'm sore and slightly exhausted (I think mentally and physically). I think I get a little nervous because I just want it to be 'nothing' like the doctors seem to be saying, but it is sometimes hard to believe. Regardless, I don't have any other symptoms that warrant concern and Baby Hahm is still moving around like an acrobat. Today my goal is to do basically nothing and continue on with my self prescribed bed rest :) If I have another intense night I'll probably head to the doctor again just to ask again if they are sure it is 'regular preg pains' I'm sure because I'm a first time pregnant person I'm more anxious/worried than the seasoned veterans, but pain I'm not used to is still pain I'm not used to! Now I just need to find some cheesy feel good movies to watch all day :)

1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

Hi!! If it makes you feel any better I think I had the EXACT same pain! It would sneak up on me some days and take my breath away. I would get it at night a lot, on my right side, and Joe would wake up because I was moaning so loud from the pain. They said it was the ligament pain although it felt way worse than that. But it is a pretty normal thing, maybe even with boys since I didn't seem to have it as much with Kate. Just wanted to pass that along :) You look great!! Can't wait to see picts of the nursery soon!!