The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, August 12, 2011

Push Gift

I had never ever heard this term before - Push Gift, Push Present, etc. This is a gift a husband gives the wife after her many hours of labor. There isn't a set standard... some are sentimental (necklace with babies name or birthstone) some are extravagant (cars, $$$ jewelry) some are practical (maid service for 2 months or child care help). Apparently, the idea of a push gift is a recent trend and as controversial as any other topic about gifts. You might think to yourself isn't the birth of your baby enough of a gift? Or maybe you think there is enough materialism already in every facet of life? Maybe you just feel bad for guys since now there is another thing they should remember and possibly be scorned for by a gift expecting wife.

I guess I don't really have an opinion. I always figure to each their own on every gift giving occasion. Most of you know me and Kevin are uber practical - possibly cheap ;) -and usually don't even give gifts to each other on bdays or Christmas or anything. That doesn't mean we don't have our 'wish list', but we usually end up buying stuff off our 'wish list' that we both want and just assign the nearest holiday to it. Now, I do love buying small special stuff for family members and friends because that is fun and different because those people don't live with me

All that being said - Kevin got me an iPad - and we are calling it my push gift! I by no means expected or even thought about getting a push gift, but I'm surely not returning it LOL. Kevin really wanted to buy me something I could use when Baby Hahm arrives on the scene. This way if I'm up late or stuck in one spot I'll have the iPad handy. I also think he was pretty sure I was going to ruin my eyes reading off my iPhone at night in bed. I do tend to read news, facebook, baby websites etc all off my iPhone before I fall asleep. I'm excited since now I can get ebooks and there are some pretty cool applications for recording babies feeding and sleeping schedules etc that will come in handy. Plus, watching shows w/ headphones is much nicer on the bigger screen than the tiny iphone and Baby Hahm can skype with the grandparents from it.   So I guess in the end I'll be a fan of 'push gifts' since I got an iPad out of it HAHAHA (yah yah I'm a cheater, I realize I haven't actually done any pushing yet, but I sure have stretched enough - maybe it is my stretch gift)  BTW, I don't think for one second Kevin won't be enjoying this new toy, he will get plenty of use out of it too, maybe it is his soon to be 'sleepless night' dad gift.

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