The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Pulte Baby Shower

It is so nice that Dad's don't get forgotten in this day in age. Kevin's work group threw him a shower for Baby Hahm. Granted his finance group is all women so that may have something to do with it ;) I think Kevin deserves the spotlight too (at least a tiny bit, haha) since the mom does seem to get the majority of the attention. It wasn't all girls though, some guys from the Ops team were there making it a nice mixture of people. Kevin and I showed up a bit late to the restaurant Wild Iris, but when we got there a nice spread of appetizers were already on the table (crab stuffed shrimp, spring rolls and antipasta salad). They were all yummy. Now I must admit I was jealous of the tasty drinks that were being enjoyed around the table ... oh how I miss a nice glass of wine. I wasn't the only pregnant person there and I'm sure she was a little jealous of the yummy drinks too!

While we ate some appetizers Kevin and I opened the generous gifts brought by everyone. I have posted a few pictures below (please read the captions). It was so thoughtful of them to buy Baby Hahm some great stuff - THANK YOU.

Look at all of these cute clothes - there were a couple of dog themed items  - apparently our love for dogs isn't a secret :)

Look how cute these bibs are - they have a bit of a Nashville theme

This dog hat is just toooooo cute!

One of the gifts that a picture can't quite capture the essence of is the 'Book of Parenting Advice' that was passed around the office. It was fun to read what advice people gave in this book. This was such a cute idea (Thanks Vanessa). It will be fun to reread it in a yr, 3 yrs... 15 just because you have time to actually be a parent and relate (Andy mentioned this and I can see how rereading it will be neat)

All the advice is great - I'll list a few here (paraphrased) just to give you a taste.
- keep a lot of money on hand
- your child will be wiser when introduced to the Saints (I'm pretty sure that is a dig to the Packers)
- make time for each other (lots of variations of this one - it seems pretty important to a continued successful marriage)
- your kids are terrified that you will embarrass them in front of friends - take full advantage of this
- the sweetest sound is the sound of your child laughing - make him laugh
- time flies so enjoy every second (lots of variations of this one)
- Kevin owes me big time for being his designated driver while I've been pregnant :)
- Kevin is officially #3 in the house.... I laughed and said nope he is #5 (the dogs of course)
- you can't swaddle your child tight enough, torque them down
- kids value your time way more than money (until puberty)
- take lots of pictures ..... and buy carpet cleaner and butt cream
- don't drop the baby - I'm pretty sure this is aimed at Kevin! ;)

We finished the night with dinner. The restaurant had a lot of great choices. I ordered a lightly breaded salmon with potato croquettes and veggies. Kevin had the seared tuna (one of his favorite dishes).

It was just a delightful evening with great conversation and very nice people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how fun! Love the advice book :) Hope you are feeling great!
