The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I attended my first official baby class. I went to a breastfeeding class given at the hospital. There are lots of different opinions about breastfeeding. It almost disappeared around the 1950s because people believed that the scientist created formula was better nutritionally than breastmilk. However, somewhat recently this theory has been proven wrong and it has been proven that breastmilk is actually the best nutrition for a newborn starting out. Those first initial weeks the baby receives all kinds of great antibodies from the mom, which are truly great for keeping a baby healthy, plus as a nice side effect you lose weight a little quicker. There are always pros and cons when there is more than one method to choose from - in this case formula versus breastmilk. I do think it is up to a mom to do what she is most comfortable. There are times breastfeeding just isn't possible and those formulas really are fortified as close to nature as possible and are really great options. There has been all kinds of studies and there isn't really any long term proof that kids fare any better over time past those first few weeks (even though some people and websites would say otherwise) so in the end both ways end up being just fine. Granted formula fed babies have stinkier poo (haha). I know a ton of people (including myself) who weren't breastfed and seem to not have fared any worse for it and the formulas are a ton better than they used to be. I know there is a huge trend towards natural everything (and believe me I do subscribe to the theory that nature is hard to beat), but once again I don't think any less of a person for choosing a different method than myself and I think it is unfair when other women make people feel guilty for making a choice that feels best for them.

That being said, I'm going to try to breastfeed and see how it goes since there are lots of benefits (including it being FREE). I went to class by myself because I thought it would be weird to have Kevin there with me even though he offered to go - I figured this is pretty much between me and Baby Hahm. I got to class though and almost everyone was there as a couple HAHA. I told Kevin and he felt guilty, but I still didn't think he needed to be there. Anyway, it was pretty useful since I didn't know almost anything. It will be interesting. I didn't realize how much time is devoted to this technique. I figured a quick 5 minutes here or there, but NO not the case. Basically, you become a slave to Baby Hahm's appetite - I can't help thinking I'll feel like a cow. I really hope my inability to be patient and focused won't hinder my success. I get antsy real fast and real easy. Also, I'm a pretty shy and reserved person when it comes to things like this so it will be a change for me. Don't get me wrong I'm not against anyone doing this in public or anything, but I would be uncomfortable with it myself so you probably won't be seeing me in the middle of a mall just hanging out ;) So wish me and Baby Hahm luck!

On a side note - I thought it was interesting that a newborn's stomach is the size of a marble and holds about a teaspoon. By 10 days the stomach is about golf ball size and holds 1-2 oz, which is only like 2-4 tablespoons. Isn't that so TINY. I guess mom's usually stress out thinking that the baby isn't getting enough food, but it is practically impossible unless there are other issues. I also didn't know that the baby usually leaves the hospital weighing a bit less than when he was born and usually doesn't get back to the birth weight until about 2 wks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you look like you're gaining a little weight. How could you not laugh if you are going to a woman doctor named Dykes, LOL
Hope every thing is OK, Love ya, Dad