The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Nathaniel's First Check Up

Today was Nathaniel's first appt at the pediatrician's office with Dr. Townsend. As expected we were a little late getting out of the house since we aren't used to having to get the baby ready and the car seat in and diaper bag essentials together - that being said we were on time to the appt at least. The pediatrician was great - she answered all of our questions and said, 'things look great'. Nathaniel is not only back to his original birth weight he is 2 oz. heavier making him 8 pounds 9 oz.. His eyes have been a little crusty and we got some drops that should help. Apparently, some babies can have a kink in their tear duct that can cause their eyes to be a little crusty. This is suppose to clear up and the drops can help in the meantime. Dr. Townsend asked if his pee stream was strong and Kevin and I didn't know since he always wets his diapers, but the minute the pediatrician took his diaper off he immediately showed her his stream :) - strong was the conclusion. His next appt is in two weeks.
Nathaniel's first Dr. appt

I am still making progress, but my soreness goes up and down. I am going to try and lift as little as possible and lay down as much as possible so that when Kevin goes back to work on Monday I've given myself as much healing time as possible.

On a sad sad note: My sister left today (tears). It really was special to have her here with me during this special time in my life. She really helped me take my mind off of my soreness and pain. I'm so glad Baby Nate got to meet her!

Aunt Krista and Nate - look at him looking at Krista

Misc. Pics

Fancy dad and Nate

Cute stuff

Look at that little hand

1 comment:

Allison said...

Congrats on the cute little guy! I am Allison, kevins co-worker. I am the one that was due just a few weeks before you. I have been following along for a while...but had problems commenting. I hope this works. I, like you, went into labor and ended up having a c-section. My baby is just past the 3 week mark and this week has been noticabably differefnt as far as pain goes. Just wanted to say hi and let you know you arent alone. It's hard to remember to " recover" when you have a new little one in the house. Glad to read all is going well. --allison