The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Don't Walk, Run

I have mentioned this before already, but this boy is a little speedster. It is noteworthy again because it really is ALL he does. He zooms around the house all day. My sister even mentioned that Nathaniel doesn't ever walk.... but runs. Well, at least a toddler type run.. zoom zoom zoom. There is one particular scene that I think is funny. When I am downstairs in the kitchen making dinner or whatever (more likely whatever haha) and Kevin and Nate are upstairs I have a view of the hallway that is upstairs. All I see is Nathaniel run back and forth from the loft to his room. I don't mean a few times, I mean 25 times. It is great. We have been trying to get it on video, but haven't yet. I enjoy watching and forget to grab the video camera.
He also likes to play any game where you chase him or he chases you or the dog chases him - you get the point. He has one of those dogs you pull and it makes noise - remember those? Nathaniel doesn't pull it, Kevin and I do. He runs away from you and the dog. If you stop he picks up the dog and hands it to you so he can be chased again.
He is getting a lot better walking on the uneven grass outside. Yep, I said walk. The uneven ground is the only thing that slows him down. He has only had one bad spill so far. We were at Cheekwood (a big old mansion that is now a museum/botanical garden in Nashville). He was gaining speed headed on a downhill sloping sidewalk and fell forward. :(
Nate Note: Nathaniel is obsessed with his toothbrush. He will be whining and grabs your legs so that you will pick him up and then he just points to his toothbrush. He gets a little cranky if you don't give it to him. Normally I'd be a little more tough and say 'No', but he is teething. It looks like the chewing soothes him so I let him get away with it. Yep, he chews it, he isn't brushing his teeth :) He has 2 new teeth coming in on the bottom front. He tends to chew the toothbrush towards the back so I'm wondering if there is a molar or something starting to come through or if it is just for counter pressure. I haven't been able to feel anything so we'll see. 
Nate Note 2: We have a bird feeder outside our window.  Nathaniel will now go to the window and watch the birds.  I'll say, 'Is there any birds?' and he will run over there.  Actually, when I say that Kona goes over there too.  So basically Kona and Nate watch the birds in the morning.  It is cute. 

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