The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, January 14, 2013

Super Speedster

I now look like a crazy person when I shop. I will, on occasion, let Nathaniel out of the buggy to walk around when we are at the store. What this little act of courage really means is that I am no longer shopping, but instead chasing an out of control super speedster toddler around. He just takes off at full speed in any direction. He doesn't care where he is going or where he has been. He doesn't care that he just entered the women's underwear area full speed babbling loudly. Yes, the super speed walk usually comes with a super speed babble. I guess he is narrating his own adventure like Morgan Freeman would do. 

If someone was watching they would just see this flash of toddler zip by and then by again and then by again. He could care less about following me or listening to me. He is completely in some new world of freedom where only he knows what is happening. Luckily he is so busy just zooming around he has no time to touch or get into anything. I'm sure that won't last, but for now I'll take it.

I think I finally understand kid leashes hahaha... but I'm afraid if I had one of those he'd be pulling me around like the dogs do when they are on a leash :) I know it is crazy to let him out of the buggy acting all crazy, but there isn't a happier walk full of joy anywhere - how can I possibly not just watch (chase) and smile. Of course he is fully restrained in a parking lot! So next time you are alone walk as fast as you can, loudly babble something exciting and just BE as HAPPY as possible! Spend a minute in the mind of a toddler.

I'm so excited I can hardly contain it

Woo Hoo


1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

He needs to be a model baby. I seriously can't get over how cute he is!!! Have so much fun with your sis!!!! She might just try to bring him home with her :)