The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What NO Pictures!

So another visit from my sister has come and gone and there is zero evidence that she was here. Yep, that's right NO pictures. How did that happen? Since the little guys arrival we might not do the most exciting picture worthy things, but you'd think we could take at least one picture. We visited Cheekwood and saw the outside train display. We went to the park and had lunch. It was the first time Nathaniel had been to a park since he has been walking. He had fun watching all of the other people and sliding down the slide on his belly. Here is a picture of us walking on the train track that is near the park. I will admit this is a rare picture and wouldn't have happened without Krista since all 3 of us are in it and that never happens. But, still no Nate and Aunt Krista pic....

Ok what else did we do...Surprise, surprise we went to the Opryland outlet mall. I don't get there very often and it was so much more fun to have someone to actually go shopping with. Nathaniel got a lot of play time with Aunt Krista and LOVED it! I also got some play time :) We had a sister date at Mack and Kate's ;) and then went to 3rd and Lindsley to see Escondido and Smoking Flowers. They are classified as an Indie Folk Pop band I think. My sister and I have pretty much the same exact taste in music so we enjoyed the unique sound. We also got some girl time in one day at happy hour and had a very competitive shuffle board game. Lots of laughs and movies filled in the rest of the time.
Having her here is always so fun. I miss her ALL the time, but especially after she leaves because I am reminded how much I need her in my life. I say 'need' specifically because I'm a more complete person with her around. It helps to have someone around you can bounce stuff off of like cooking tips, clothing choices, new tv shows, current event topics or any goofy personal stuff. You can email/talk/text but nothing beats 'in person'. I know wanh wanh... but I just feel so fortunate to have a sister whom I can't get enough of and can't wait to see again.
I guess it is time to get back to Nate and I's routine (sans Aunt Krista)...

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