The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Things That Go Bump In The Night

Where were you last night at 3:30am? Were you in the closet with a pot on your head? No? Well, we were. Fun times. The tornado sirens went off 2 different times last night. It was the first time we had to wake Nathaniel up and drag him downstairs to safety. He was all spaced out at first wondering what in the heck was going on. The dogs were just as confused. The dogs were in the laundry room whining while Nate and I were in the closet. (Where was Kevin you ask... against my better judgment he was watching the weather report in the other room) When the sirens stopped the first time we all crawled into bed (Yep, all 5 of us) to watch the weather channel. The wind was still really strong so we figured we better wait for the bad weather to pass through our part of the map before going back to sleep. Nate thought it was pretty cool to play with Mocha. Suddenly it was play time in the middle of the night. The sirens went off again, we hung out in the closet for a bit longer. The second time was worse since Nathaniel was awake and bored. Luckily it was quick. The winds calmed down and our middle of the night adventure was over. I could really do without the crazy weather!
The other bump in the night happened a few days ago. I had heard rumors, but never had it happen to me. I always laughed thinking I would think it was silly, but it ended up more creepy than silly. In the dead of the night one of Nathaniel's toys started playing. It is so much freakier than I imagined. You immediately think to yourself is someone in the house, is there a mouse, a ghost? I am not sure why a rational thought like the toy is just malfunctioning doesn't cross your mind first. After trying to figure out which toy it was (yep you learn all the different tunes on all the toys so we were humming the song out loud and narrowing the choices), then doing a full search of the house for any creepers, we tried to go back to sleep. But mostly I just laid there and wondered how does a toy malfunction just once? Seems suspicious. Luckily, my fatigue got the better of me and I just lost interest in thinking about it :)

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