The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I Have a Day

There has been a few heartbreaking facebook posts/happenings over the past month. It is incredibly hard to imagine how people make it through some of the worst times of their lives ok (or at least I hope ok). What makes me blog about this subject is that while there is always heartbreaking or hard times that befall people these involve kids. It just feels harder to swallow when it involves kids. Whether it is a child being diagnosed with cancer, a genetic mutation or a car crash... it is hard to imagine what you would do in the same situation. You would like to think you'd handle it with strength and courage, but really deep down you feel like you'd break down and never recover. How can horrible things happen to such young souls? A question I'm sure is asked by many that have read/heard the same things as myself.
I thought about my answer to this question. There are a lot of possible answers. The answer is quite unique to every individual. How would you answer it? I chose to think of it this way - these tragedies allow me to put my own life in perspective. I think of my most tired, stressed out, grumpy day with Nathaniel and I realize that at least 'I have a day'. I have a day to be with him. Isn't that just the greatest thing ever. I don't care... the absolute worst day ever is still a day. I'm so THANKFUL to have another day. Unfortunately, not everyone gets another day with their little dudes and dudettes. So I'd like to say, 'thank you' to those parents who shared their heartbreak and hope their child left a mark in this world. I am (and undoubtedly others) grateful, grateful that 'I Have a Day' and it is because of these kids that I see a little more clearly the beauty in the everyday.
I Love you Nathaniel!!!!

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