The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Usain Bolt No More

My mini Usain Bolt (aka Nathaniel) is going to have to slow it down. Yep, what I feared might happen, happened. The little guy fell down and hit his head hard on the wood floor :( Kevin and I were talking while he was running around and down he went. Kevin scooped him up and that is when I saw it. The HUGE bump on his head. What is it called ... a goose egg? It was bruised and swollen. Being first time parents we of course went to the doctor to make sure it wasn't anything to worry about. I've read (and know) that bumps usually look worse than they are, but that is hard to remember when it actually happens. I also know that you shouldn't go to sleep right away after hitting your head and it was almost his bedtime. I figured I wanted someone a lot smarter than me telling me it was ok. So off we went to the urgent care.
The minute we got to urgent care all I could think about is that we will probably get the flu now too. Germs germs germs! We got in and out pretty quick. They even had a kids treatment room ... which was nice since there were puzzles and stuff, but all I could see were GERMS GERMS GERMS from all the rest of the sick kids. I am pretty sure I made Kevin apply hand sanitizer 10 times while we sat there and we wiped Nathaniel's hands over and over again. The Dr. looked at him, explained toddler brains and bumps and then sent us on our way with a fairly clean bill of health. I guess baby/toddler brains are packed in the skull a little tighter so when they bump their heads the brain doesn't really move like it does in adults. It is that movement that causes a lot of the side effects etc. that make the injury worse. We just need to watch him and make sure he doesn't get wobbly, seem overly irritable, too slugish or throw up. Whew... although it looks so painful :(
This all happened last night. Today was suppose to be a beautiful day weather wise so I had planned to go to the zoo. I was apprehensive now since he bumped his head and it hadn't been 48 hrs. I certainly didn't want him falling down again and landing in the same spot. I don't even want to let him play on the wood floors. I'm following him around like a crazy person so I decided to buy him a helmet. I figure I'll just make him wear that the rest of his life. A helmet and a bubble outfit. HA! not really. But I sure feel like it.
I went to the zoo anyway, but I didn't let him walk anywhere that seemed wet, uphill or downhill just to make sure he didn't fall. We had a great time. It was pretty empty. One of the highlights was the bird encounter exhibit. We were the only ones there for awhile. The birds fly all around you and land on you and stuff. Nathaniel got a kick out of it. Here is a pic of him enjoying himself (notice the huge bruise on his head) ... poor little guy.

All in all, it has been 24 hrs and he seems to be doing fine - YAY! I'm finally doing ok too after having a slight heart attack, panic attack, nervous breakdown or any other kind of attack or breakdown that happens when you see a goose egg form on the super sweet face of your child.
I also liked the attitude of this meerkat today. He just claimed that plant as his own. Cute.


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