The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Skills

The Dreaded Nose Pick.... Aaaaahhh he found his nose recently. Kevin has been sick and blowing his nose so I can only deduct that he learned this skill from his dad! Although to Nathaniel's credit he has actually pulled out a prize or two so maybe the pick was warranted.... NOT! Is this the start of teaching manners? A lot of the people I pull up next to in the car could use this same lesson. I'm amazed at how many people don't think anyone can see them in their car.

The King Kong ... He picks up his train track and accessories like he is King Kong. Those people, trees, trains and cars don't always make it around the track. He also has ZERO attachment to stuffed animals and thinks it is quite funny to chuck them out of the crib.
The Disaster Dude... He can easily clear a drawer or shelf in under 30 seconds. Every single thing gets thrown backwards in super speed. If he is standing up it is this smooth underhand backwards throw.
The Houdini - Nathaniel is now at the proper heighth and has good enough balance to be able to open doors. We have the pull lever type door knobs. You used to be able to contain him by just shutting the door, not now. He hasn't figured out how to unlock it yet so that is our new trick (although I hide it from him when I lock/unlock it since he watches intently. I think he is trying to learn how I get out... he is a sneakster) I don't have a picture of this, but I am pretty sure you can only imagine how mobile this little guy is nowadays.
This is actually Kona's new skill.... The Expert Toy Goer Arounder.... Kona loves to lay on this ottoman in the afternoon when the sun shines in the window on it. She attempted to lay on it after Nathaniel had put all of his blocks up on it. She was pretty smooth and didn't knock any over.

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