The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Birth Plan Options

Kevin and I have not made any official birth plan. We have had discussions about it and I know most of my options so I feel somewhat prepared - just not on paper. I am fairly flexible about most things and since this is my first time I am not real sure what to expect and figure I'll let my body and gut lead the way. I feel like I know enough to make smart decisions and not get suckered into anything I don't really want. Granted I'm sure there will be a few things that arise that will catch me by surprise, but this is where I hope Kevin is paying extra attention to help me make rational decisions. I might have to treat some of these decisions like the game show 'Cash Cab' where I might need a few lifelines so I can call and get outside help ;)

All this being said - there are a few items on these birth plan templates that I'm sure I won't be choosing. Of course I say everything with a grain of salt and I'm sure some people love these labor and delivery options, just not me... remember I'm a little skiddish of the whole process so keep this in the back of your mind so you can see where I'm coming from as I reviewed these templates. Here are a couple of items that I won't be checking as must have's on my birth plan.

1) Castor oil - Would I like to try castor oil as a natural induction technique. I have read tons of people do this, but not for me!

2) I would like no one to speak during the actual delivery. Ohhhh I'd freak out if no one was talking and filling me in, this is not for me!

3) I would like to have my delivery videotaped. Lots and lots of people do this and I bet it is super special to watch (really I mean that sincerely). I get why you would want this taped because you are so exhausted that you don't necessarily remember much so this would be a nice account of the event. I don't think I'm very photogenic in general let alone from that angle.... this is definitely not for me!

4) Handle my pain using color therapy. I'm not sure what this even means, but I think I'll stick to massages, deep breathing, distractions and drugs, this is not for me!

5) Using tranquilizers as my pain medication of choice... this one made me laugh. I honestly have not heard of this as an option. It makes me think of that scene in the movie 'Old School' where Will Ferrell accidently shoots the horse tranquilizer in his neck. I can see after I've had 50 crying hysterical episodes Kevin telling the staff to actually use a tranquilizer on me, but unless Kevin orders it this is not for me!

6) Using a mirror to view the birth. I'm sure this helps you feel more in the moment and is great, but it isn't for me!

7) I'd like to touch the babies head as it crowns. Knowing myself I will at this point just be like 'get him out please', this bonding moment is not for me!

8) I'd like my partner to catch the baby... hahaha this one is self explanatory and not for me or Kevin!

9) Allow my partner to cut the umbilical cord. I think Kevin should do this, but he isn't sure, so this may not be for Kevin!

10) I'd like the option of taking home the placenta. I know there are a lot of things people do with those, but it isn't for me!

The one thing that wasn't an option on any template was allowing my dogs to cuddle with me during the pain. It is proven that petting dogs during chaotic situations can lower stress levels... owell wishful thinking ;) Wish Kevin and I luck on creating our somewhat flexible birth plan (and wish me luck that Kevin is paying attention to our discussions at home so that when I'm out of it he is up to speed).

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

35 week Dr. Appt

I had another Dr's appt today. Today was with Dr. Stafford. I thought I was going to get a Strep B test and cervix check, but I did not. I am going to get that stuff at the next appt. in about 2 weeks. Today was a strange day in the secondary waiting room. I say secondary because it is where you wait after they call you back and take your weight and urine. I had to wait a little longer than normal and there was a range of people coming and going. Usually it is just me and one other pregnant person waiting to be called. There was a girl crying, a girl that looked like she was in horrible pain, a girl who I don't think was pregnant at all, a lady that was definitely past her child bearing years and the token usual pregnant person. Just kind of a weird mix. Also, I was sitting there basically sweating and the girl next to me said she was cold to the nurse.... I think I may have let out an audible chuckle. I'm so so tired of being HOT and dream of being cold.

I always laugh at myself on appt days because I try so hard to plan my water intake so that I can give a proper urine sample. If I drink too much too early than I'm in pain trying to hold it. If I don't drink enough than my sample might not be conclusive. With my new bladder size and the pressure of Baby Hahm this has become something that I strategically have to figure out - and it is a moving target as I get more and more pregnant. I did not think these were the problems my brain cells would be used to solve.

Ok, on to the appt summary. I gained a little weight since my last appt and am now at 16 total gained. Baby Hahm's heart rate was good. My belly measurement was where it is suppose to be and my blood pressure was a little lower than last time. I did of course ask again about my right side pain that just is a nightmare. I've had 3 bad days in a row - these days wear on me both emotionally and physically. I get the pain every day, but some days it is just more intense both in duration and number of stabbing pains. FINALLY the doctor did an actual hands on exam of my painful area. Apparently, my gall bladder, liver and kidney's weren't showing pain as she pressed on them so that is good. That being said (and Murphy's law in full effect) I wasn't having any pain during the appt., which is a shame. I do feel a little better knowing she checked out some of my organs at least superficially. One thing I did learn is that Baby Hahm's feet are kicking that right side. She actually felt his foot kick during her exam. She said it could be that he has just bruised that muscle/ligament area and that is why it gets worse since the bruising doesn't have time to heal and just keeps getting kicked. This movement in combination with the stretching, growing and pressure going on may just be painful. URGH.  I should add that otherwise I feel pretty good - if it wasn't this one thing I'd be great (normal pregnancy uncomfortable, but great). 

The positive side of that is since she felt where the feet were she could tell me the basic positioning of Baby Hahm at least for right now. His head is directly down (YAY), his butt is high on the left side with his legs facing right and apparently kicking me in the ribs and side. I love having a visual. I knew something sharp and pointy was kicking me on that right side, but I had no idea what it was, now I know.

Funny side note: Kevin was there today and he asked the doctor what she thought about him leaving town next week (he has an overnight biz trip). She said most babies are born 38- 41 weeks so he should be ok, but not to schedule any trips after this one. :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Clothes Kind of Day

I decided today that I would wash everything I had so far for Baby Hahm. This consisted of cutting off tags and reading labels. I was surprised how many items were machine wash cold - I figured everything would be machine wash warm at the very least because of staining and general goo. Guess not. One thing that is kind of funny is how many tiny outfits can fit into one load. At least this is something I can check off the to do list. I am running a little behind on a few other things!

Can you tell who this surprise was from?? Look closely at the picture.

As I was getting the clothes ready to wash this nice surprise showed up from my sister. She sent some super cute outfits. I love the onesies that are more like rompers, they are so nice and it is all preppy with a collar and everything. I don't think we have any long sleeve onesies yet either so the truck one is perfect and so BOY :) One thing I have to point out is that my sister and I have very similar taste when it comes to clothes. We have on many occasions picked out the exact same shirt from a store from entirely different states. For example, I remember being in forever 21 and I picked out a shirt to buy and she said I already have that... hahaha. Anyway, apparently the same is true with Baby Boy clothes. If you look at the picture you'll notice a moose shirt. We almost bought this exact same shirt out of tons and tons of shirts that were at the store. The only reason we didn't was because we decided to buy a Baby Hahm *going home from the hospital* outfit instead. Too funny!

And these 2 outfits that she sent are Kevin's favorites!! Now dad and son can wear matching ASU outfits every weekend!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tidbits and Pregnancy Pictures 34/35 wks

First, I think I may have solved my heartburn problem (knock on wood). I started taking my vitamins with lunch instead of after dinner and I haven't had heartburn again. I usually do better with vitamins on a full full stomach and I have always taken them at night, but maybe with less digestive room the vitamins were too much at night. Let's hope this continues to work! woo hoo (BTW, I really appreciate some tips you guys have given me - Thank You so much)

Second, most of you know my love for 'The Peanuts' and I saw this and I couldn't resist. It was one of the first non essentials we've bought, but it is going to be so so cute on Baby Hahm.

Third, I figured I would post a few new pregnancy photos from 34/35 weeks so those of you that don't ever see me can kind of picture super pregnant me :)

Mocha giving me love before I changed to take the pictures today

Historical Note: Hurricane Irene hit the East Coast over the weekend. It started around the NC coast and headed North. There was definitely flooding and damage, but overall less intense than expected, which was a great thing!

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Pulte Baby Shower

It is so nice that Dad's don't get forgotten in this day in age. Kevin's work group threw him a shower for Baby Hahm. Granted his finance group is all women so that may have something to do with it ;) I think Kevin deserves the spotlight too (at least a tiny bit, haha) since the mom does seem to get the majority of the attention. It wasn't all girls though, some guys from the Ops team were there making it a nice mixture of people. Kevin and I showed up a bit late to the restaurant Wild Iris, but when we got there a nice spread of appetizers were already on the table (crab stuffed shrimp, spring rolls and antipasta salad). They were all yummy. Now I must admit I was jealous of the tasty drinks that were being enjoyed around the table ... oh how I miss a nice glass of wine. I wasn't the only pregnant person there and I'm sure she was a little jealous of the yummy drinks too!

While we ate some appetizers Kevin and I opened the generous gifts brought by everyone. I have posted a few pictures below (please read the captions). It was so thoughtful of them to buy Baby Hahm some great stuff - THANK YOU.

Look at all of these cute clothes - there were a couple of dog themed items  - apparently our love for dogs isn't a secret :)

Look how cute these bibs are - they have a bit of a Nashville theme

This dog hat is just toooooo cute!

One of the gifts that a picture can't quite capture the essence of is the 'Book of Parenting Advice' that was passed around the office. It was fun to read what advice people gave in this book. This was such a cute idea (Thanks Vanessa). It will be fun to reread it in a yr, 3 yrs... 15 just because you have time to actually be a parent and relate (Andy mentioned this and I can see how rereading it will be neat)

All the advice is great - I'll list a few here (paraphrased) just to give you a taste.
- keep a lot of money on hand
- your child will be wiser when introduced to the Saints (I'm pretty sure that is a dig to the Packers)
- make time for each other (lots of variations of this one - it seems pretty important to a continued successful marriage)
- your kids are terrified that you will embarrass them in front of friends - take full advantage of this
- the sweetest sound is the sound of your child laughing - make him laugh
- time flies so enjoy every second (lots of variations of this one)
- Kevin owes me big time for being his designated driver while I've been pregnant :)
- Kevin is officially #3 in the house.... I laughed and said nope he is #5 (the dogs of course)
- you can't swaddle your child tight enough, torque them down
- kids value your time way more than money (until puberty)
- take lots of pictures ..... and buy carpet cleaner and butt cream
- don't drop the baby - I'm pretty sure this is aimed at Kevin! ;)

We finished the night with dinner. The restaurant had a lot of great choices. I ordered a lightly breaded salmon with potato croquettes and veggies. Kevin had the seared tuna (one of his favorite dishes).

It was just a delightful evening with great conversation and very nice people.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pulte Baby Shower - Details Tomorrow

We are attending a dinner in honor of Baby Hahm tonight at Wild Iris.  Kevin's work group is having a little get together for us - It is so nice of them.  I'll blog some details tomorrow :) 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Pregnancy Symptom YAY!

Ok, so not really YAY. The last two nights I have just been a tiny more uncomfortable than normal when I go to bed. I just feel kind of yucky no matter what side or angle I try to get comfortable in. This has ended up with me moving to a spare room and trying to sleep basically sitting up. Not only am I not getting much sleep, but when I finally do get to sleep I wake up with my new symptom - heartburn. At least I think it is heartburn. I have never really had heartburn .... ever. I just feel a little yucky in my throat that seems to be coming from my stomach. I don't feel the total burning sensation in my chest like heartburn, but I am pretty sure this is it. I took a tums this morning and it helped a little. I haven't eaten anything different that would cause this so I am attributing it to the 1 mm of space I have left in my stomach area to digest food. I've read this might happen in the third trimester, but I was hoping since I never really get heartburn I'd escape. Hopefully it will be just a few days or something - I'll try to remain optimistic. 

At least my little buddy Mocha came and snuggled with me upstairs.... Kona stayed downstairs with Kevin... maybe they talked and did rock, bone, or treat to see who had to come upstairs... ;)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Active Baby Hahm

One of the many things you just can't explain properly and you just can't know unless you are actually pregnant is all of the baby movement and how it will make you feel. Most of this experience is done without anyone else knowing you are feeling things going on. I mean friends and family can put their hands on your belly, but it really is different coming from inside you and you are alone for a lot of the movement.

First of all, my stomach is so so hard. I guess I expected things to be squishier and more fluid. It will probably be the only time I can bounce a qtr off of my stomach since I'll never have a six pack ;) i don't know if everyone's stomach feels this hard or if it is because I am having a boy (old wives tale) or because I haven't really gained that much weight, I have no idea, but it is a hard solid bump. Because of this I can see most of the movement that happens. It is so easy to see the dance routines going on inside - he slides to the right and then back to the left over and over. I don't think I was mentally prepared to feel these huge movements while I am just doing everyday activities. I'll be standing in line at the grocery store and I am wondering if the person behind me can see my belly just wiggling and jiggling. It really catches me by surprise sometimes.

Another thing that just really surprised me is how many hiccups Baby Hahm gets throughout the day. He seems to always get them when I sit to eat dinner. I just can't eat while he has the hiccups it weirds me out. It is just such a strange sensation for me to be eating and having this rhythmic movement in my belly. He gets some right before bed too and I just can't fall asleep knowing he has the hiccups. I'm so nestled in my pillow fortress that I feel every hiccup.

In the last few weeks I can feel movement in more than one area at the same time, which was quite the eye opener. I'll feel little pokes or movement way down in my belly and at the same time in my rib cage. It doesn't feel like one big movement like at first, it is all of these separate non coordinated movements. I'm such a visual person that I just hate that I don't know what is actually making the certain movements - is it a hand, foot, arm, butt, shoulder??... how is he positioned in there?? I think I get either a knee or elbow towards my upper right because it seems quite pointed and pokey, but who knows.

I have started to notice a time pattern as well. While he is pretty active all day, he is most active on the 12's and 6's plus or minus an hour. I am a night owl, but I really can't fall asleep until he has his daily tumbling routine around midnight, he is just so active that it is impossible to rest through that much movement.

I have heard other mothers say how much they miss the movement after the baby is born and I of course never really understood what that meant. I do now. I guess I never realized what an intimate experience it is for you and this little baby. It is kind of like your first real communication. Baby Hahm lets me know he is in there and healthy and I let him know I am still keeping him in a tight bubble. It has become such a reassuring thing for me to feel these movements (even if they hurt sometimes - jabs to the right side are not my favorite). I know he is suppose to move a little less in the upcoming weeks due to the size becoming even more cramped (which still boggles my mind that things can actually get more cramped), but I hope he still lets me know loud and clear that he is in there learning coordination, etc. I am getting used to these daily dance routines so I hope he knows I need my fix of Baby Hahm movement!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

The question is Dog or Baby

We were shopping around at Target the other day (we registered for a few things while we were there). One thing we didn't register for at Babies R Us were toys for Baby Hahm so we thought we'd take a look. As we were playing with all of the toys we noticed something, well we noticed quite a few things, but one thing for sure is that infant toys aren't very different from dog toys. A lot of the baby toys are made out of plastic, they are brightly colored, they squish and squeak, crackle and pop, they are easy to grab on to or hold. Seriously, I think I have seen several of these same items at PetSmart. Some are shaped like fake cell phones, purses or keys - all of which I've seen at the pet store. There are even teething toys that you put in the freezer so it feels good on the babies gums... yep they have chew toys for dogs that you can put in the freezer to keep them cool in the heat and interested in the sensation of the temperature. So the question is - Dog toy or Baby toy?

This is going to be quite interesting as Mocha runs around the house not knowing what is his or Baby Hahm's. Kona's toy of choice are squeaky toys so if any of Baby Hahm's toys make a squish noise it will be fun to watch Kona's face. It will take some effort to keep things separated. Mocha is going to have to get used to leaving certain things alone (WAAAY easier said than done since most things on the floor are his for the taking right now). I mean they really are similar, how are these poor dogs going to know. I'm already prepared to have a few lost/chewed toys. It really isn't a big deal, I know this is new routine for the dogs so I expect some fun chases around the house since they haven't had to share with a little human. To be honest I can't blame the dogs since I was surprised myself to see how similar the toys really are to each other. I guess one thing that I should do to prepare is learn how to sterilize the baby toys - I have a feeling I'll be fishing a few out of Mocha's mouth :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I attended my first official baby class. I went to a breastfeeding class given at the hospital. There are lots of different opinions about breastfeeding. It almost disappeared around the 1950s because people believed that the scientist created formula was better nutritionally than breastmilk. However, somewhat recently this theory has been proven wrong and it has been proven that breastmilk is actually the best nutrition for a newborn starting out. Those first initial weeks the baby receives all kinds of great antibodies from the mom, which are truly great for keeping a baby healthy, plus as a nice side effect you lose weight a little quicker. There are always pros and cons when there is more than one method to choose from - in this case formula versus breastmilk. I do think it is up to a mom to do what she is most comfortable. There are times breastfeeding just isn't possible and those formulas really are fortified as close to nature as possible and are really great options. There has been all kinds of studies and there isn't really any long term proof that kids fare any better over time past those first few weeks (even though some people and websites would say otherwise) so in the end both ways end up being just fine. Granted formula fed babies have stinkier poo (haha). I know a ton of people (including myself) who weren't breastfed and seem to not have fared any worse for it and the formulas are a ton better than they used to be. I know there is a huge trend towards natural everything (and believe me I do subscribe to the theory that nature is hard to beat), but once again I don't think any less of a person for choosing a different method than myself and I think it is unfair when other women make people feel guilty for making a choice that feels best for them.

That being said, I'm going to try to breastfeed and see how it goes since there are lots of benefits (including it being FREE). I went to class by myself because I thought it would be weird to have Kevin there with me even though he offered to go - I figured this is pretty much between me and Baby Hahm. I got to class though and almost everyone was there as a couple HAHA. I told Kevin and he felt guilty, but I still didn't think he needed to be there. Anyway, it was pretty useful since I didn't know almost anything. It will be interesting. I didn't realize how much time is devoted to this technique. I figured a quick 5 minutes here or there, but NO not the case. Basically, you become a slave to Baby Hahm's appetite - I can't help thinking I'll feel like a cow. I really hope my inability to be patient and focused won't hinder my success. I get antsy real fast and real easy. Also, I'm a pretty shy and reserved person when it comes to things like this so it will be a change for me. Don't get me wrong I'm not against anyone doing this in public or anything, but I would be uncomfortable with it myself so you probably won't be seeing me in the middle of a mall just hanging out ;) So wish me and Baby Hahm luck!

On a side note - I thought it was interesting that a newborn's stomach is the size of a marble and holds about a teaspoon. By 10 days the stomach is about golf ball size and holds 1-2 oz, which is only like 2-4 tablespoons. Isn't that so TINY. I guess mom's usually stress out thinking that the baby isn't getting enough food, but it is practically impossible unless there are other issues. I also didn't know that the baby usually leaves the hospital weighing a bit less than when he was born and usually doesn't get back to the birth weight until about 2 wks.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fashion Statement

Pregnancy sure changes your fashion outlook. Especially now at 33 wks my wardrobe consists basically of two little piles of shirts and shorts and some comfy sleepwear. I think I have worn my hair up everyday for the last 4 months because of the heat as well. These two factors are certainly not going to get me any fashion awards. I think everyone wants to look cute and pregnant, but at some point you outgrow everything and really just care about how comfortable you are in certain things.

Having said all of that I have added one new piece to my wardrobe bringing my whole fashion sense to an all time low.... low... low.... I got myself a new belt to accentuate my waistline. It is called a 'Beautiful Belly Belt'. You wear it to really show off that bump and your new waistline. I fell for the marketing line and just thought - why not wear a belt when you are pregnant. Belts are suppose to show off your womanly figure. It is a little thicker and white for summer. I know it is a bit of fashion risk and I only plan on wearing it if we go out to dinner or somewhere fancy. Take a look below - what do you think?? Quite pretty huh!

OK ok so I tease. I got myself a support belt. I am hopeful that it might help with the right side pain by taking the strain off of my ligaments, muscles etc. It sort of distributes the weight so all of the baby weight isn't just hanging/pulling down in the front. I have worn it a few days now and it is hard to tell if it will help with the right side pain, but at the very least I do feel like it is supporting my belly weight a bit better and can't hurt especially as I continue to grow. It is sort of uncomfortable when I am sitting down so I primarily wear it if I plan on being on my feet a bit. I don't wear it on the outside if I'm in public by the way - my shirts go over it! Don't you wish you had one?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Appt #... I forget now

I had my routine 2 week appt. I met another new doctor - Dr. Dykes. She is the final doctor of my rotation. The stats were all good again - Baby Hahm's heartrate was in the 140s, my blood pressure was 122/60 (a little high for me), my weight is on track (I guess I'm thankful for the heat since I'm never hungry), I'm measuring 33 cm so my stomach is appropriately growing. My right side is still really killing me and this doctor gave me another theory - something about part of the kidney function possibly being irritated or dilated or something, but she wasn't worried and pretty much left the room.. URGH... of course I didn't have time to think about the 10 questions I had following her theory in the millisecond I had, like pain control. I have done some internet research hoping to find a hint of what she was talking about, hopefully I'll find something that helps.

My next appt is on the 30th. At this appt they will start checking me for labor signs/measurements - yikes - Yikes - YIKES!!!

As promised here is another look into our nursery. This is our green focus wall. Once we get everything else done I'll send pics of the whole room, but this decal is kind of the main attraction anyway. As you can see we picked woodland animals. I love all the little forest creatures (especially the owl which will be featured more in accessories!!) We decided on this pretty quickly since we both liked it right away - unlike a name haha.

Here is the big tree

Here is the fox and bear side

Here is the whole scene - not a great picture because of the overhead light, but you get the idea :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Chores No More

Well, not really. But, my ability to bend down without straining has hindered my ability to do certain chores. Kevin is the HAPPY recipient of one of these that I have given up. Picking up the Doggie doo doo. Due to my big baby belly he can't really say 'no' or complain. There were a couple of reasons I wanted to give up this chore.... 1) It is Hot in backyard 2) Nashville is the home to all kinds of bugs that love to live in poo in the summer (including weird red spiders). When there are things squiggling inside the poo bag it creeps me out and 3) It is soo soo soo much work to bend down over and over again. I'm a stickler for picking it up every day if not twice a day... I don't want to even give the dogs a chance to step in it and drag it inside, plus it is just cleaner that way. Kevin probably wouldn't be quite this adamant, but unfortunately for him he has to follow my Doody rules. It is kind of like how he can't let a bill sit on the counter unpaid for more than 24 hours, it drives him crazy. Let's see what are some other things Kevin gets to do now... take out the stinky trash - my super sniffer can barely handle it. Vacuum under stuff that is hard to reach since I can't really bend down and get to it nowadays. He gets to vacuum the stairs too, which he really enjoys! He sometimes is my robot at night and gets me stuff once I sit down (remote, more water, other super important stuff) - it is just so much easier and quicker if he just hops up and does it. Beyond those things, I think he has gotten off pretty easy.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ice Cream

Well, tonight I decided that ice cream and a movie trumped writing a blog... I'm not sure what I'm thinking eating sugar as Baby Hahm is already super active w/o it. I'll probably be up all night with him doing a 'So you think you can dance' routine. It is very strange when he is moving or has the hiccups while I'm eating - just such a weird feeling to have something moving inside you while you are putting food inside you. The hiccups especially throw me off because I'll just be feeling this pulsating thump thump thump and be trying to eat... so weird. Anyway, until tomorrow.....

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Standing Upright

You guys have all seen those pictures that show man becoming bipedal, right? I know it is a theory on evolution, which you may or may not agree with, but it is this visual I need for you to think about as you picture me. I have now become that picture! 
As I get up from any seated position I start out doubly hunched over for at least the first 5 steps. I then progress to a slightly more upright position - simply just hunched over for the next 5 steps. I then progress to a tiny more upright and maybe my arms are closer to my sides instead of just hanging out loosely in front of me. Eventually after 5-10 minutes I start to resemble an upright standing human. Sadly, I look like I'm in slow motion to the average observer, but I feel like I am moving fast. I'm so proud once I'm moving. It isn't that my back hurts or anything it is just the overall stiffness and tightness. I'm afraid if I spring up I'll rip open or something - I know that isn't possible, but sure feels like it (like when the alien busts out of that guys chest in the movie 'Aliens') To avoid Baby Alien Hahm from ripping out of my belly this method is now my usual 'slow as molasses' routine. I hope no one has to go anywhere very fast ;)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Push Gift

I had never ever heard this term before - Push Gift, Push Present, etc. This is a gift a husband gives the wife after her many hours of labor. There isn't a set standard... some are sentimental (necklace with babies name or birthstone) some are extravagant (cars, $$$ jewelry) some are practical (maid service for 2 months or child care help). Apparently, the idea of a push gift is a recent trend and as controversial as any other topic about gifts. You might think to yourself isn't the birth of your baby enough of a gift? Or maybe you think there is enough materialism already in every facet of life? Maybe you just feel bad for guys since now there is another thing they should remember and possibly be scorned for by a gift expecting wife.

I guess I don't really have an opinion. I always figure to each their own on every gift giving occasion. Most of you know me and Kevin are uber practical - possibly cheap ;) -and usually don't even give gifts to each other on bdays or Christmas or anything. That doesn't mean we don't have our 'wish list', but we usually end up buying stuff off our 'wish list' that we both want and just assign the nearest holiday to it. Now, I do love buying small special stuff for family members and friends because that is fun and different because those people don't live with me

All that being said - Kevin got me an iPad - and we are calling it my push gift! I by no means expected or even thought about getting a push gift, but I'm surely not returning it LOL. Kevin really wanted to buy me something I could use when Baby Hahm arrives on the scene. This way if I'm up late or stuck in one spot I'll have the iPad handy. I also think he was pretty sure I was going to ruin my eyes reading off my iPhone at night in bed. I do tend to read news, facebook, baby websites etc all off my iPhone before I fall asleep. I'm excited since now I can get ebooks and there are some pretty cool applications for recording babies feeding and sleeping schedules etc that will come in handy. Plus, watching shows w/ headphones is much nicer on the bigger screen than the tiny iphone and Baby Hahm can skype with the grandparents from it.   So I guess in the end I'll be a fan of 'push gifts' since I got an iPad out of it HAHAHA (yah yah I'm a cheater, I realize I haven't actually done any pushing yet, but I sure have stretched enough - maybe it is my stretch gift)  BTW, I don't think for one second Kevin won't be enjoying this new toy, he will get plenty of use out of it too, maybe it is his soon to be 'sleepless night' dad gift.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Essentials ASAP

I got a quick text letting me know a friend's wife had her baby. She was due around a similar date as myself. I don't know any details really except that mom and baby are both doing great - YAY! Once I knew they were both alright it made me start thinking about if the same happened to me. I realized that I really need to buy some small essentials so that we'd be prepared and not have to stress out about the small stuff. I had a marathon shopping trip to Wal-Mart to pick up diapers, baby powder, baby body wash, some infant medicines and creams etc., plus I picked up some hospital essentials for myself for labor and delivery. It was quite weird to be deciding whether or not I should go for a butt paste or a butt cream for diaper rash or if I should buy max strength or just settle for regular strength. I also never thought I'd be considering if I should buy disposable underwear for the hospital (yes for myself!!)... these are things I was naive to never having given birth nor having been around a ton of pregnant people.... sometimes I still space out in amazement that this is happening (and happening soon EECK) While I didn't get everything on my list I do feel a bit more secure in our preparedness.

Our stroller and car seat were delivered today too - Woo Hoo. This means we can get Baby Hahm home from the hospital (a pretty important piece of the plan) I like the pattern even more in person than I did in the online pics. It is a black and white oversized plaid - we made sure it was safe too and not just cute :)  We haven't quite figured out how to get the carseat out of the base, haha, but to be fair we only tried for a minute and we had to run an errand. It should be fun to watch us put it in our car too! Sometimes our book smarts outweigh our street smarts making the seemingly obvious tasks escape us ;) I'm sure Kevin will disagree with that statement, but it is funny nonetheless. Here is a pic of our stroller/carseat.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is This Stuff Necessary?

It has been about 10 times now that my mom has said, 'they didn't have this stuff when you were born - you were deprived'. She is referring to things such as pack n play, those gyms that lay on the floor for a baby, monitors, fancy swings, wipe heaters, etc. She has friends with some of the stuff we have gotten and she is like,'they have all the bells and whistles like you' and I just say.....'these things aren't bells and whistles and are just what everyone has now'. Unfortunately, I am just old and things have changed a lot :)

This does beg the question, 'how did we all survive being babies without all of this stuff?' The whole world is about convenience nowadays so I'm sure I had all of the same experiences just done differently and on the cheap. For instance, the baby gym - this stimulates senses and increases coordination. I'm sure my mom stimulated my senses somehow and made me reach for stuff. Maybe my parents actually had to work harder since they had to purposely do these things, whereas, I could lay Baby Hahm in the gym and have the gym do all the work while I read a book or something. hhhmm. Same with a swing or bouncer. I can imagine my dad bouncing me on his knee to get me to shush, but now we have bouncers and vibrating swings to do the job.

Or baby room monitors? My dad bought us a video monitor to use so we can see Baby Hahm while he sleeps w/o disturbing him. It is really cool and I can't wait to use it. Admittedly, I am excited because it will make things easier since the crib is upstairs and our master is down. I guess my parents had to just listen for me to cry or keep the crib closer for longer. It is possible that this constant monitoring has turned us into worry wart moms/dads. You have to recondition yourself with a monitor that it is ok if a baby makes a movement or a whimper w/o thinking he is starving or wet or sick. I remind you though that somehow I survived without a video monitor and don't seem worse off for it... (I'm sure Baby Hahm would survive w/o a video monitor too, but it is hard to pass up really cool technology!!)

Or a wipe heater? Ok, this may be a bell and whistle and not necessary. Some friends have said though that it makes for a less startled baby with a middle of the night change. My mom said she used a washcloth. This reminds me that some of the old ways are actually better for the environment too. I don't know if I had any more cases of diaper rashes because of the washcloth method, but I doubt it and my mom didn't add to the landfill...something to think about I guess. She did have to clean up more with this method instead of simply tossing stuff away.

I'm starting to think parents had to work harder as parents back in the day. They had to create environments and activities for us so that we could grow up as healthy normally adjusted kids. What do you think?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blogless in Nashville

As you may have noticed I didn't blog yesterday. Here's why - my right side pain came on pretty strong last evening so I ended up spending most of the night laying on my left side resting. Most other positions made the pain come and go. The pain does seem to be worse in the evenings and I'm not sure why, maybe because I have a whole day of eating and activity by then. Today I still feel a little pain and I'm sore and slightly exhausted (I think mentally and physically). I think I get a little nervous because I just want it to be 'nothing' like the doctors seem to be saying, but it is sometimes hard to believe. Regardless, I don't have any other symptoms that warrant concern and Baby Hahm is still moving around like an acrobat. Today my goal is to do basically nothing and continue on with my self prescribed bed rest :) If I have another intense night I'll probably head to the doctor again just to ask again if they are sure it is 'regular preg pains' I'm sure because I'm a first time pregnant person I'm more anxious/worried than the seasoned veterans, but pain I'm not used to is still pain I'm not used to! Now I just need to find some cheesy feel good movies to watch all day :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Pregnancy Pic and Nursery Theme Hint

The nursery decal hasn't quite gone up yet (Kevin and I got a little sidetracked yesterday doing other stuff) so I'm posting a pregnancy picture instead and a nursery 'theme' hint :) I am definitely expanding outward and frontward now that I'm in the 3rd trimester (almost 32 weeks). I am pretty sure I have gone from a volleyball to a basketball sized belly.

Nursery Theme Hint : Aren't these little guys cute.  They will be going on a shelf in the nursery.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Meeting another Doc

Today I had another routine appointment. I met my 3rd doctor in the practice Dr. Osburn, she is the Thursday delivery person.  So far all the doctors have seemed great - at least for the 5 minutes I spend with them.  Dr. Woodall is still my main one, but I'm on rotation to meet and greet the others in the practice in case they are the OBs that end up delivering little Hahm.

Stats = Measuring 31 cm (I'm 31 weeks so apparently I'm on track), 110/70 heart rate (my usual + or - a few at least since I've been preg), I'm up ~13 pounds (healthy amount, although it feels like 100 pounds in this heat), Baby Hahm's heart rate is in the high 130s (and apparently letting off a thump instead of a swish which means valves and other heart stuff is maturing nicely).  Based on where the Dr. felt the heart rate she thinks he is still in a head down position so let's hope he stays that way as he starts running out of room!  Also, I asked again about my painful right side pain... the pain that makes me say 'OUCH' quite often.  Still just a normal pregnancy pain I guess, I made sure it wasn't a distended liver, gallstones, kidney infection :)  I of course ran down my list of potential ailments.  This doc did say it might be a nerve and not a ligament so that is why it feels more like a stab and why it remains in one area.  Maybe the silver lining is that if I do actually get stabbed I'll know what to expect (just a joke of course)

My next appt is on the 17th... stay tuned for more updates.

Side Note:  Several people have had issues posting on the blog :(   I tried it on Kevin's computer and did the following to get it to work.  I selected the comments at the bottom of the post.. I wrote a little something... chose to post comment as 'Anonymous' and hit 'Post Comment'  (I noticed that sometimes the next screen didn't come up right away so I just hit 'Post Comment' again and again until it worked (this I think is the key to get it to post)... the next window should be where they make you retype a word to make sure your comment isn't spam.... I typed that word and hit 'Post Comment' and it worked. 

Side Note 2: We have all of our nursery furniture and put it together last night YAY!  We are hanging our wall decal up this weekend.  I'll post pics when we get something up!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Still Nameless

It is funny to read all of the name hints and tips that are out there.  I do keep these things in the back of my mind.  I do so just to make sure we don't fall in to a naming trap and that we avoid the usual mistakes

Meanings - We will try and avoid a name that means 'old pirate' or 'dead bird' or 'flower wilter'
Popularity - As most of you know this is where Kevin and I differ a little bit, but I am staying clear of overly used popular names.  Especially recently named celebrity kids.
Embarrassing nicknames or initials - Kevin's dad gave us a piece of advice based on his own name.. he said don't use a name where the nickname can end in a 'y' People on occasion would call him 'Teddy' and he wasn't so keen on that nickname (His name is Theodore, Ted for short).  We also will try to avoid initials like D-U-H.  We also need to make sure the nickname doesn't sound crazy rhymey with Hahm...  This eliminates 'Tom Hahm'
Mistaken pronunciation - Well, with Hahm you usually have to tell people 95% of the time it isn't pronounced 'HAM' so why add a first name that equally needs to be corrected.     
Identity crisis - We will of course google the name we choose just to make sure a serial murderer or porn star doesn't share the same name... although with Hahm as a last name I don't think we will run in to much there

After all of this you might be wondering if we have decided on a name.  We definitely have a major frontrunner (well there is only one still that Kevin and I agree on and love so it is the frontrunner), but we are still pondering all kinds of ideas.  Basically, any idea has to beat our frontrunner now.  Kevin basically likes any name that is listed on the declaration of independance or something of equal historical significance.  If you remember, George, William, John, Thomas, Samuel etc are those options.  There are very few historical names that pass my criteria... I like the idea of a strong, historical sounding name, but none are making the cut so far for me...  On the flip side I like the lesser known names - not the girly sounding guy names or names that are just weird, but names that are less used.  As you can imagine, nothing on my list gets the Kevin approval so we are still at it. 

My dad had the idea that we could combine Kevin and Stacy and name Baby Hahm 'Stavin'... that would certainly be original :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Growth spurt - What What?

Today I received my email about what happens during the 31st week.  Most of it is the routine stuff... this is where they tell you that you probably are experiencing a lack of sleep, probably weird pains, probably a zillion bathroom breaks, probably tons of baby movement, probably feeling Braxton Hicks contractions ... plus a few tips on how to feel a little better with all of those things and that it is all worth it in the end.  There are also some to do's I should probably be paying more attention to such as; find a pediatrician, start buying your hospital bag items, have your 'must have' baby items in house, prepare your birth plan, etc., but what I mostly noticed was this phrase, "This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds and is heading into a growth spurt" .... A GROWTH SPURT.. first off spurt is a funny word and I giggle every time I say it.. hee hee... second, A GROWTH SPURT??  I can't handle any spurts.  My belly already feels full, one grape fills me up.  Where is this so called spurt going to place itself?  Plus, I figure Baby Hahm only needs a few more pounds so he might as well slowly add those over the next 6-8 weeks - NO spurts.  I had my first lecture with Baby Hahm about how slow and steady can win the race too :) 

spurt pretty much = stretch marks which = unhappy stacy, but I'm prepared for those since genetically I'm prone to them - BOO! 

On that note, it is hilarious at night when I use my Mama Bee Belly Balm.  To me this balm doesn't smell like much of anything and I have a super sniffer.  However, the dogs must think it smells like peanut butter or some other tasty treat.  I usually have to wait for them to fall asleep or be out of the room to use it.  If they get even a slight wif of it they are right there trying to lick the belly.  Kona looks up at me with this super cute look and sneaks in a quick belly lick.  Let's hope this balm at least curtails some of the spurty stretch marks!  

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Potential Recipe for Chaos

It has been a fun filled weekend with Kristin (Kevin's sister) and her family in town.  We are so lucky they came and visited us while they were in the states (they live in Antigua).  It is always nice to see them and when they leave we always wish we lived closer.  It is so comfortable to be around them and we always seem to have fun.  We only see them about every 2 years so it is so interesting to see how the kids have grown both physically and personality wise.  They have 4 kids ages 10 - 3 - Hannah, Issac, Rachel and Judah. 
Some of my favorite memories from this weekend will be the following: 1) I really enjoyed seeing Judah's (the youngest at 3) facial expressions when he wasn't happy - he is a super duper cute drama king.  One example was we were walking through a Walgreens right by the freezer section and he got that look on his face and I thought maybe he didn't feel well or something, but no, he said, 'it is SO COLD' with just the most unhappy face ever .... it just cracked me up. 2) Hannah, Rachel and I made some scrapbooked cards.  It was really fun to craft with the girls.  3) Watching the family learn to line dance at Wild Horse Saloon.  Josh (the dad), Kevin and I wimped out and watched :)  4) Enjoying the kids chase the dogs and throw the ball to the dogs in our backyard.  It was HOT, but it really tired the kids and the dogs out.  One really cute thing was Mocha would steal the ball right out of Judah's hand as he reached backwards to throw it (he is just learning to throw and is a little slower and closer to the ground than the other kids so it was perfect for Mocha to steal it) HAHA and 5) Just catching up and enjoying meals with everyone - I may have burnt them out on Mexican food though ;)
Now to the 'Potential Recipe for Chaos'. 
Main ingredients:
- 2 big dogs that are excited for kids and company
- 1 pregnant person
- 4 kids
add'l add ins:
- 1 kid that doesn't feel well and had a fever (poor lil guy)
- SUPER heat (I swear it is the hottest summer ever in Nashville) eliminating A LOT of outdoor activities 
- A pregnant person that is SUPER sensitive to heat
- A pregnant person with 1 day of substantial pain in right side
- 1 dog that likes to steal kids blankets, shoes, etc
Mix these ingredients together to get some interesting plan making (have to make both kids and preggo person happy).  Continue mixing and activities at home become more exciting since kids and dogs add new element of adventure to the house. 
Overall, the recipe came out smooth and Chaos was averted.  Even some very touristy Nashville spots were seen and enjoyed.  I think the key is if you make sure the 4 kids are well behaved then the potential for Chaos is avoided!!  
Until we meet again (probably 2 years when they are back in the US) .....   we will miss them... good times... good times!!