The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

35 week Dr. Appt

I had another Dr's appt today. Today was with Dr. Stafford. I thought I was going to get a Strep B test and cervix check, but I did not. I am going to get that stuff at the next appt. in about 2 weeks. Today was a strange day in the secondary waiting room. I say secondary because it is where you wait after they call you back and take your weight and urine. I had to wait a little longer than normal and there was a range of people coming and going. Usually it is just me and one other pregnant person waiting to be called. There was a girl crying, a girl that looked like she was in horrible pain, a girl who I don't think was pregnant at all, a lady that was definitely past her child bearing years and the token usual pregnant person. Just kind of a weird mix. Also, I was sitting there basically sweating and the girl next to me said she was cold to the nurse.... I think I may have let out an audible chuckle. I'm so so tired of being HOT and dream of being cold.

I always laugh at myself on appt days because I try so hard to plan my water intake so that I can give a proper urine sample. If I drink too much too early than I'm in pain trying to hold it. If I don't drink enough than my sample might not be conclusive. With my new bladder size and the pressure of Baby Hahm this has become something that I strategically have to figure out - and it is a moving target as I get more and more pregnant. I did not think these were the problems my brain cells would be used to solve.

Ok, on to the appt summary. I gained a little weight since my last appt and am now at 16 total gained. Baby Hahm's heart rate was good. My belly measurement was where it is suppose to be and my blood pressure was a little lower than last time. I did of course ask again about my right side pain that just is a nightmare. I've had 3 bad days in a row - these days wear on me both emotionally and physically. I get the pain every day, but some days it is just more intense both in duration and number of stabbing pains. FINALLY the doctor did an actual hands on exam of my painful area. Apparently, my gall bladder, liver and kidney's weren't showing pain as she pressed on them so that is good. That being said (and Murphy's law in full effect) I wasn't having any pain during the appt., which is a shame. I do feel a little better knowing she checked out some of my organs at least superficially. One thing I did learn is that Baby Hahm's feet are kicking that right side. She actually felt his foot kick during her exam. She said it could be that he has just bruised that muscle/ligament area and that is why it gets worse since the bruising doesn't have time to heal and just keeps getting kicked. This movement in combination with the stretching, growing and pressure going on may just be painful. URGH.  I should add that otherwise I feel pretty good - if it wasn't this one thing I'd be great (normal pregnancy uncomfortable, but great). 

The positive side of that is since she felt where the feet were she could tell me the basic positioning of Baby Hahm at least for right now. His head is directly down (YAY), his butt is high on the left side with his legs facing right and apparently kicking me in the ribs and side. I love having a visual. I knew something sharp and pointy was kicking me on that right side, but I had no idea what it was, now I know.

Funny side note: Kevin was there today and he asked the doctor what she thought about him leaving town next week (he has an overnight biz trip). She said most babies are born 38- 41 weeks so he should be ok, but not to schedule any trips after this one. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You missed the one about having a home, water birth! :)
Kona and Mocha could be present! :)
