The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Appt #... I forget now

I had my routine 2 week appt. I met another new doctor - Dr. Dykes. She is the final doctor of my rotation. The stats were all good again - Baby Hahm's heartrate was in the 140s, my blood pressure was 122/60 (a little high for me), my weight is on track (I guess I'm thankful for the heat since I'm never hungry), I'm measuring 33 cm so my stomach is appropriately growing. My right side is still really killing me and this doctor gave me another theory - something about part of the kidney function possibly being irritated or dilated or something, but she wasn't worried and pretty much left the room.. URGH... of course I didn't have time to think about the 10 questions I had following her theory in the millisecond I had, like pain control. I have done some internet research hoping to find a hint of what she was talking about, hopefully I'll find something that helps.

My next appt is on the 30th. At this appt they will start checking me for labor signs/measurements - yikes - Yikes - YIKES!!!

As promised here is another look into our nursery. This is our green focus wall. Once we get everything else done I'll send pics of the whole room, but this decal is kind of the main attraction anyway. As you can see we picked woodland animals. I love all the little forest creatures (especially the owl which will be featured more in accessories!!) We decided on this pretty quickly since we both liked it right away - unlike a name haha.

Here is the big tree

Here is the fox and bear side

Here is the whole scene - not a great picture because of the overhead light, but you get the idea :)


Kiera and Joe said...

I LOVE the decals!!!!!!! They are perfect for a little boy :) Can't wait to see the rest!

Dinah Knotts-Keeterle said...

This has to be the cutest baby room EVER! Nice job on putting it together.

Anonymous said...

